5 Need-to-Know Stats for Your 2019 Content Marketing Strategy

Tom Lauck
Digital Marketing Ideas
2 min readDec 21, 2018


5 Need-to-Know Stats for Your 2019 Content Marketing Strategy

As a content marketing agency in
San Jose
that’s been around for decades, we know that the only true
constant in online marketing is change. Content
marketing strategies have to be updated every year, and 2019 is no
different. Fortunately, you don’t have to take shots in the dark: there
is plenty of data and statistics that can help you decide the content
strategies to pursue in the year ahead.

are just a few of the stats we’ve come across lately that could be relevant to
your 2019 content marketing strategy.

5 Critical Content Marketing Stats for 2019

1. 66% of content marketers include paid distribution

According to Search Engine Watch, 66% of marketers mix and match both free and
paid content distribution to give themselves the widest reach possible. Organic
distribution can tend to stay in limited “bubbles” of users that
don’t hit all your desired targets; paid methods like PPC ads fill in the gaps.

2. 65% of top marketers have a documented content strategy

If you don’t have a documented content
marketing strategy, you aren’t alone: only 39% of businesses have one. However, 65% of
top performers do. It’s not impossible to succeed in content
without a clear strategy, but you’ll greatly increase your
odds of success with one.

3. 40% of businesses see infographics as leading visual engagement

In a study of which visual content types drive
the most engagement, infographics were the clear winner, with 40% of the vote. Videos, the second-most
popular type, only saw 23% of the vote. Video marketing is great and recommended
for comprehensive marketing approaches, but infographics offer an ideal balance
of price, performance, accessibility, and shareability.

4. 65% of buyers want content from known influencers

Here’s a rare case of alignment: 65% of buyers want content from credible sources,
and 64% of businesses make an effort to reach out to
journalists or social influencers. You should be doing the same and
looking to get “names” on the side of your brand.

5. 74% of marketers utilize long-form content

There’s a belief that content needs to be
short, due to short attention spans, but that’s not necessarily the case.
Search Engine Watch found that 74% of marketers have success with long-form content
as well. Variety is the spice of life, especially where digital content
marketing is concerned, so have some meatier content available too.

HiveMind Studios Is a San Jose Content Marketing Agency with Vast Experience

We’ve been doing digital-focused
marketing since 1986, and there aren’t many other agencies who
can say that. We have the experienced edge you need to put your brand
ahead of the pack. Contact us
directly for a consultation

