Tips for Optimizing Your Voice Search Marketing Approach

Tom Lauck
Digital Marketing Ideas
3 min readDec 21, 2018


Google Voice search, and other voice-based
interfaces are growing steadily in popularity and they’ll only become more
commonly used in the years to come. Industry groups like ComScore predict
that voice searches could make up at least 50% of all searches by the year 2020.

Are you ready for this major new challenge to your San Jose, CA, search engine marketing plan?

The Challenges Of Google Voice Search Marketing

There are a couple major ways that voice searches are disrupting traditional content marketing, but the biggest is that they take away a much of the user’s agency. When someone asks SIRI “What’s a nearby pizza parlor?” it will answer the question exactly as asked and give them ONE answer. They won’t see the list of search results, just the single item that SIRI’s algorithms pick.

This is a major issue, particularly for
local SEO, so you’ll need to be at the top of your game to be the preferred
choice for digital assistants.

The other problem is the lack of visual feedback. Your users often don’t see anything at all, especially if they’re using a standalone appliance like Amazon Echo: all they get is an audio response. So your marketing needs to have a focus on sounds,as well as visuals.

are a few tips.

3 Ways To Improve Your Voice Search Marketing In San Jose

1. Answer questions

Remember that people using voice search
will almost always use complete sentences, and most of the time, they’re asking
questions. “How” and “What” are BY FAR the
most common starting words in a voice search, and “Where” is also
fairly common.

content should be geared around answering relevant questions centered upon
those three interrogative words.

2. Focus on specifics

Your voice search optimization shouldn’t
try to cast a wide net, instead try to capture more specific searches. For
example, someone with a pet food store shouldn’t be trying to capture “dog
food.” They should be trying to capture “organic dog food for
greyhound puppies.”

Since your users will be speaking in
complete sentences, they’ll be including those sorts of specific
details. Have a lot of content, with each piece tuned to be as concise
as possible.

3. Establish an “audio logo”

Remember these chimes?
How about this startup
? Or this close encounter?

A short (under 5 seconds) snippet of
music or sound effect can be every bit as recognizable and distinct as a brand
logo. This is important since your audience will be increasingly getting
their information via audio. It’s worth investing the time and money to
create an “audio logo” tied to your brand.

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