
Generative AI: Top 10 B2B SaaS Predictions

David H. Deans
Digital Marketing Journal
3 min readDec 6, 2023


The B2B SaaS industry went through a period of normalization in 2023, following the rapid expansion and acceleration experienced during the 2021–2022 period. Despite a challenging go-to-market (GTM) environment, the sector has shown resilience and strength.

The focus has shifted from growth to sustainability, with vendors re-evaluating their investments in tools. Why now? Typical sales cycles have lengthened, and customer acquisition costs have increased.

The Change Management Imperative

This environment has required the adoption of new approaches, such as using Generative AI (GenAI) to innovate. Here are predictions for 2024 that reflect leaders’ motivation to adapt and evolve rapidly.

These predictions are based on recent trends and advancements in GenAI tools. However, many traditional software vendors will seek help to re-skill their marketing managers and sales practitioners.

  1. Automated Content Generation: AI will be used to generate marketing content, customer emails, reports, and other forms of written and graphic communication, saving time and resources.
  2. Personalized Business Cases: AI will enable more targeted business cases by generating custom application narratives, and recommendations based on ROI goals.
  3. Predictive Analytics: AI will convert raw data into actionable insight, thereby helping vendors forecast trends, customer behavior, and market demand.
  4. Enhanced Data Security: For some applications, AI will generate and manage encryption keys, enhancing data security and privacy in the B2B SaaS industry.
  5. Intelligent Customer Support: Better AI chatbots will generate responses to stakeholder queries in real-time, improving customer service efficiency and satisfaction.
  6. Dynamic Pricing Models: AI will generate flexible solution price proposals based on segment trends, vendor competition, and persuasive buying experiences.
  7. Value Creation Enablement: AI will generate substantive value realization strategies, helping vendors reach and engage all key customer buyer decision-makers.
  8. Improved Product Development: AI will generate new product features and improvements based on actionable insight from app user behavior.
  9. Resource Management: AI will generate optimal vendor GTM resource allocation plans, improving operational efficiency and reducing costs.
  10. Regulatory Requirements: AI will generate reports and insights to ensure regulatory compliance, reducing the risk of penalties.

In summary, I believe the bold adoption of GenAI tools will be a strategic competitive advantage for B2B SaaS vendor sales and marketing organizations in 2024 for several compelling reasons.

Firstly, these new tools enable significant cost savings and efficiency improvements. Secondly, they empower the personalization of content assets. Thirdly, they deliver valuable just-in-time market insights.

However, many organizations won’t be able to harness these benefits due to a fear of GenAI experimentation that’s in contrast to the status quo way of doing things in the past. Fear of change kills innovation.

The Upside Opportunity

By harnessing and experimenting with GenAI tools, savvy B2B SaaS vendor leaders will optimize their operations while also gaining a significant edge over more fearful or conservative competitors.

Here is the real bonus. You will become remarkable by applying your critical thinking skills to what you discover through a GenAI tool.

“Only 6% of companies have managed to train more than 25% of their people on GenAI tools so far” (BCG 1/24)

Are you prepared to become a GenAI-first enterprise?

Reach out, to learn more about these evolving market trends and how your organization can develop the skills required for success.

