Gumroad Review: How to Use Gumroad

A comprehensive overview of using Gumroad to sell digital products and memberships

Casey Botticello
Digital Marketing Lab


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Source: Casey Botticello of Blogging Guide

There is a wide range of online platforms for selling goods and services, and they come in all shapes and sizes. Gumroad might be one of many platforms, but it has drawn quite a bit of interest from a lot of creatives. If you are looking to sell creative services online, chances are that you have heard of this easy to use platform. Though it has grown steadily in popularity over the years, not everyone knows just how many features Gumroad actually has. In this article, we will discuss Gumroad and everything that it provides as a creatively focused eCommerce platform.

What Is Gumroad?

Gumroad is an online platform that originated back in 2011. Geared towards creatives in various industries, it is the perfect place to easily sell artwork, writing, and other creative content online. Many different kinds of artists use this platform to sell their goods and services to clients all around the world. In many ways, it is like Shopify…



Casey Botticello
Digital Marketing Lab

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