How Content Marketing and SEO Work Together

An integrated digital strategy utilizing both content marketing and SEO

Casey Botticello
Digital Marketing Lab


Source: Casey Botticello of Blogging Guide

There’s often confusion about the boundaries and overlaps between content marketing and SEO (search engine optimization.) Many marketers and online business owners imagine either that they are separate things or that they conflict. The truth is, they work together seamlessly. Once understood, they’re like the proverbial hand in the glove or two sides of the same coin.

But before diving into how powerful the combination of content marketing and SEO can be for your digital marketing strategy, it’s worth defining what each term means. That way, you should avoid most of the confusion. It’ll be easier to explain the potential for an integrated strategy, how content marketing and SEO co-operate, with a clear and concise definition of each already under your belt.

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Photo by Jason Goodman on Unsplash

Content is vital to every aspect of your business’s success. You use it to give information to your clients, customers, workforce, colleagues, investors, shareholders, and third parties involved in your supply…

