How to Become a Podcast Guest

A guide to becoming a guest on someone’s podcast

Casey Botticello
Digital Marketing Lab


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Source: Casey Botticello of Blogging Guide

Landing a guest podcast interview is the number one strategy to establish yourself as an expert in your industry.

Guest podcasting allows you to speak directly to new podcast listeners in your target audience. Additionally, guests on podcasts reap all the upside of a podcast’s exposure, without requiring you to create your own podcast.

This is incredibly advantageous if you have your own podcast to promote, since the audience is already listening to podcasts, meaning they’re much more likely to subscribe to your own podcast.

Even if your goal is not promoting your own podcast, there is tremendous value in guest podcasting.

But how can you get booked as a guest expert on someone else’s podcast?

In this post we’ll cover everything you need to know about getting on podcasts as a guest. You’ll learn how to find the shows most relevant to you, track your outreach, perfect your pitch, and impress listeners during interviews. Plus you’ll be able to kickstart your search with a podcast booking platform that simplifies the process for you.

The strategies I outline below are how I have been featured on several podcasts…



Casey Botticello
Digital Marketing Lab

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