Stack Exchange Review

The potential benefits of using Stack Exchange as a content marketing forum for writers

Casey Botticello
Digital Marketing Lab


Source: Casey Botticello of Blogging Guide

Are you familiar with Stack Exchange? The Stack Exchange platform is one of the most active Q&A communities on the web. It currently consists of 170+ websites covering various topics, including computer programming, music, gaming, mathematics, writing, graphic design, etc. The Stack Overflow community alone caters to more than 51 million developers monthly.

Overall, the Stack Exchange network gets over 805 million page views monthly, with over 3.6 million answers provided to 3.3 million questions asked. When it comes on to knowledge sharing and the ability to generate meaningful conversations on the web, the platform’s influence is nothing to be sneezed at.

How does content marketing fit into all of this? Well, the aim of blogging and other forms of content marketing is to help people find what they are looking for when they use the internet to get answers to problems. Writers create content that provide the answers to questions people ask, whether they are searching for ways to deal with an acne breakout or want to find answers on fixing problematic computer code. It should already start becoming apparent as to how Stack Exchange can help writers boost the visibility of their content. Either way, this article…



Casey Botticello
Digital Marketing Lab

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