Ozark — First Impressions

Devin Mitchell Durbin
Digital Media Digest
2 min readJul 25, 2017


Don’t worry, I’m not about to write a summary of each episode. I’m caught off guard with how well this show is executed. In fact, I’m trying to decide if this show is easier to get into than Breaking Bad was. I can’t decide if it’s because of how well Ozark is initially executed or if its because of how well we are informed on this genre trope now thanks to ‘Breaking Bad’… breaking the ice.

Jason Bateman (of ‘Arrested Development’ fame) steals the show with how powerfully he portrays Marty Byrde. Not only that, but this first episode (and half of the total episodes) were directed by Bateman himself. His eye for a good scene is evident. To be frank I didn’t notice how long I had been watching before Episode 1 was already over. The last shot as the camera pulls away from the family came and I was sitting there immediately wanting more. I was dissecting every last bit of information I could get from that frame. All the while everything had a dull hint of blue even down into the green of the lush and vibrant trees that were reaching all around them.

One episode in and Ozark is just stunning. I love the dullness of it. It’s not nearly as colorful as Albuquerque. While people will want to compare the two shows, ‘Breaking Bad’ and ‘Ozark’ are two very different beasts. In ‘Bad’ we had someone to root for in the beginning. From hardly twenty minutes in to ‘Ozark’ we realize that no one is the good guy. [Spoiler Alert] We’re in the middle of a crime show. These people are criminals they have already “broke bad”. The only good guys are their children, at least as far as the eye can see. There is no glorification of the drug trade. There is not a fall into the pit of despair. In ‘Ozark’ we start there. Now we have the question that is going to be asked throughout this whole thing — “How do they get out of this?” We’re seeing the consequences of years in the business. That’s the only question they can ask.

Personally, I hope there is no getting out. Hopefully there is no surviving this. I’m looking forward to seeing how the Byrde’s story unfolds. If you aren’t watching ‘Ozark’ then what are you watching?

Note: This show does get rough, by episode 3 there are a handful of moments (however fleeting) that can be uncomfortable, sexually explicit, but can be avoided — they don’t last long.



Devin Mitchell Durbin
Digital Media Digest

Poet trying to chase after Gods heart. Don’t call me David — I’m nowhere that good. Writing something new right now. #BalladOfDrystanWIP