‘Dead Reflection’ Album Artwork. ‘Dead Reflection’ came out July 14, 2017 on Rise Records.

Silverstein’s New Album is Not a “Dead Reflection”(3.5 Stars)

Devin Mitchell Durbin
Digital Media Digest
3 min readJul 15, 2017


Courtesy of Rise Records.

Silverstein has been at this game since 2003, putting out 8 albums of crushing and uplifting post-hardcore albums, dabbling in concept albums, songs that form together to create other songs, they’ve ultimately done it all. So what do you do when after 8 albums you’ve established yourself as a mainstay? You can push the envelope and try something that will alienate your legion of fans or play it safe. Ultimately, I don’t think this album is fan-service. Silverstein took the latter path with ‘Dead Reflection’ an album that fits contently next to their other albums. Pitch perfect vocals, powerful screaming, predictable vocal progressions, and songs that at times almost feel like you’ve heard them before. It’s not a knock on the Canadian rock band but ultimately a commentary on the consistency and deft skills of Told and company.

I’ve listened to this album a full two or three times before sitting down and really writing this review — my first impressions were that the first three tracks were really lackluster. Though, upon further listening these tracks are just a slow build into “Ghost” but they really set up and allow that emotional high point that really grips you all the way until you reach the final track “Wake Up.”

“Retrograde” one of the singles off the album really was a sleeper. Lyrically its genius and has one of the best deepest cutting lines of the entire LP. Shane Told lets it rip on the end of the pre-chorus “the stronger the ties, the sharper the knife.” Truly though the amount of truth in that lyric is lost if you don’t stop and just listen — which ultimately changed the way I felt about the first four songs on the album. While it’s a slow build with songs that don’t stand out on their own, things do change.

By track four the album really gets to where it takes off. “ Ghost” is probably one of their best tracks. Vocalist Shane Told spoke to Alternative Press back in December said this about the track; “We spent a lot of time in the studio on one track and it’s kind of setting up the next album…” He goes on to mention that this album was experimental and that there are actually 10 mixes of this song floating around somewhere. The song is probably one of the most solid and well produced on the entire album. It shows with the passion and the amount of work that comes out. It’s voracity and energy carries through into “Aquamarine” and “Mirror Box.” Though really every song feels like a reflection of this track.

Their pop-punk influences like Green Day are apparent in a few of the tracks, especially “Aquamarine” and “The Afterglow”, especially with the latter’s hook that relies heavily on the melody before and after “The Afterglow”. (Side Note: I can’t help but love this song with the St. Louis shout out considering I can see the arch from almost anywhere here in town.)

Silverstein continues to balance finely on crushing guitar riffs, heavy drum beats, and driving bass lines, introspective lyrics, and some of the best clean and screaming vocals in the scene. Silverstein may not be breaking the mold on post-hardcore, but there are few people out there that are so easily accessible, talented, and consistent. If you’re looking for them to reinvent the wheel here, you’ll probably not like this. If you’re a long-time Silverstein fan. Truth is, you’ll either love it and accept it as a fantastic continuation of their game or dismiss it. From my opinions its a worthy entry in their storied discography. It may not be iconic, but it is wholeheartedly Silverstein and I can’t be happier with it.

In summary — Silverstein just keeps proving that they are reliable. They may not push boundaries, but they still can write a killer song.

Devin’s Recommended Tracks:

Check out “Retrograde”, “Ghost”, “Aquamarine” and “Mirror Box.”



Devin Mitchell Durbin
Digital Media Digest

Poet trying to chase after Gods heart. Don’t call me David — I’m nowhere that good. Writing something new right now. #BalladOfDrystanWIP