Adin Ross and His Growth to Fame

Brendan Connolly
Digital & Media Lit COM 250
3 min readFeb 12, 2024

I chose to do my LEAP Project on the popular live streamer Adin Ross. Adin started out his content creation career on a streaming platform called “Twitch” in 2018. He began his streaming career playing video games in his streams. He actually only really played one game, which was NBA 2K. I began watching him around 2019 while he was still playing 2K. I was interested in his streams because my friends and I also played the game and he was one of the more popular people on the game. He streamed while playing the game with his own friends. Some of which, also went on to have successful streaming careers like IShowSpeed and Duke Dennis. Another notable person he became friends with through 2K is Lebron james’ son Bronny. As he grew to be more popular, he branched out into different content creation platforms aside from just twitch. Youtube and Tiktok are currently his biggest platforms with over 10 million followers across both platforms combined. I would classify his content now in 2024 to be more on the comedic side. He doesn’t really play video games anymore. He does activities on stream with his friends or famous people that he invites on stream, and then clips of these streams get uploaded to all different media platforms. I enjoyed his 2k days the most, but his newer content is still entertaining. It is just very different from what streaming used to be, which was just someone playing a game with a webcam. Most streams now are big productions with money behind them. Adin is included in that. It’s crazy to see how far streaming has come as a whole.

A question of media literacy that can be used to analyze Adin Ross’ content is, “What techniques are used to attract and hold your attention?” To grow on these streaming platforms you need to be able generate attention towards your streams. A prime technique that streamers use to generate said attention is to promote their streams on other media platforms. Whether that is through clips, like we see a lot on tiktok. Or through announcements on instagram or twitter. I am constantly seeing people promote youtube channels and twitch streams on other social media platforms. Another technique that I have seen Adin Ross use, is to invite famous people onto the streams and attract those peoples fans. Some of those people that watch because of whatever celebrity is on, will be keen to stick around and become part of Adin’s audience. I think it’s a very smart strategy.

This is a link to my Screencast covering adin ross in a little more depth. I actually had a good amount of trouble while figuring out how to use this software. I recorded my video a couple times to practice and was able to get my microphone to work. When I went through my outline for my final presentation of the information I recorded the 5 minutes and then found there was no audio. So I had to re record again after fixing what was wrong with my mic input settings. Other than that, I didn’t really face any issues while creating the screencast. I have used the types of softwares in the past, just not this specific one, so I had to figure out a couple differences between prior softwares. Thank you for taking the time to read my blog post. If ever, you find yourself with nothing to do check out Adin Ross. In my opinion he does some pretty entertaining streams. I definitely think he won’t apply to everyone but he clearly does to some people, so you never know.

