Beyoncé Knowles and the Renaissance Era

Yuldalis Gutierrez
Digital & Media Lit COM 250
3 min readFeb 11, 2024

I chose Beyonce because I am a huge fan of her and her work. Picking this album out of all the others was a different route because this is the album that I listened the least to. For my thesis, I chose to write about Beyonce’s effect on people and society. I feel like celebrities have a huge impact on society alone and so, a greatly known celebrity as Beyonce has an even bigger influence. That being said my thesis for this project is, that Beyonce is a symbol of empowerment and hard work, which has a great influence on her audience.

Some challenges I faced started from the beginning, picking who I wanted to write about. I was looking into podcasters, to begin with, but I chose to write about one of my favorite artists of all time. The next challenge came into play when I was choosing which project I wanted to look into and analyze. Beyonce has had many different projects in her lifetime, starting with music and going on to films she has been involved in. She has evolved a lot in the music industry, starting from a very young age in girl groups, one of which is still greatly known as “Destiny’s Child”. She then decided to be a solo artist and has since made eight total albums. Along with this, she has been involved in over 40 different film projects.

So when I finally realized what specific project I wanted to focus on I had to find sources to look more into. I had some background knowledge, however, since I am a huge fan of Beyonce. But since this was based on more than just Beyonce and more of this project I had to look into some resources. Now, even though I had my topic chosen I didn’t quite know what I wanted to write as my thesis. To write my thesis I just thought about Beyonce as a whole, and when I think of Beyonce the words that come to mind are “hard worker” “boss” “inspiring” “motivated” and “evolved”. There are just so many great qualities. However, I chose to say it in short, so empowering, because all these qualities are empowering not just to me but many others. Also, surprisingly I kind of had a difficult time finding the images I wanted to include. I had an idea of certain images I wanted to include, however, I think most images I was thinking of were just moments I remembered from different clips. And so to fix this issue I went on Tik Tok to look up videos I had seen before from the Renaissance tour, and I took screenshots of them to put into my slides.

The last big difficulty I had while completing this assignment was recording. Using Screencast-o-matic was not difficult for me, however, the actual presenting part was. I practiced before recording myself, yet I still had to record over and over because I would either strutter or get my words mixed up. To help with this I just tried to speak as slow as I could to be clear and also not keep messing up.

Overall, this was a nice experience and though there were a few challenges along the way, I’m glad to have done this assignment.

This is my Screencast-o-Matic presentation:

Below I will include the links to the different websites I looked into for this assignment:

