How Does AI in Political Messages Influence Elections?

Emily Jeffrey
Digital & Media Lit COM 250
7 min readApr 28, 2024

When first thinking about Leap 3, I felt very lost on what I wanted to do. To be honest, I was very overwhelmed with this assignment at first which made it difficult to focus on finding a research question. I sought help with Professor Hobbs and brainstormed with her through email. With assistance I was able to formulate the following research inquiry question: How does the use of AI in analyzing political messages influence voter perceptions and candidates during elections?


In embarking on the journey of researching the pros and cons of AI in elections, I initially approached the project with a sense of curiosity and a desire to uncover insights into a topic that has profound implications for democratic processes worldwide. This upcoming election will be my first time voting in a presidential election so this topic holds great importance to me and has been heavy on my mind.

To begin my research process, I first started on the New York Times as they had a large variety of sources that explored the topic of AI and its involvement in elections. I was able to find numerous sources that worked well with my research question. Next, I utilized the online database, Google Scholar to access scholarly articles and peer-reviewed journals related to AI and its impact on elections. These sources provided me with a solid foundation and effective evidence to better understand the potential benefits and drawbacks of AI technologies in the electoral context.

As I found a source I would immediately complete its citation and annotation, working one source at a time until I hit a total of ten sources. When my annotations and citations were completed I took the time to format the annotated bibliography to complete this part of the project.

Following the annotated bibliography, I moved to complete the compare and contrast graphic design. I compared and contrasted the influence of AI on voters versus candidates during an election. This was the most difficult part of the assignment for me as I struggled in comparing these two topics since they are two very different groups. However, through the comparison I found that many of the negative effects of AI are hurting both the voters and candidates.

Venn Diagram

When the compare and contrast graphic design was completed I moved onto the video. I decided to use Canva for this part of the project because it offers a recording tool built directly into the app. I first compiled the slides which took lots of work as I had to decide on what information I wanted to include and in what order. After changing the slides and order around I was ready to record the video which also took a few tries. When I was happy with my final take I moved on to the reflection essay.

Through the process of researching this topic, I gained valuable insights into my own perspectives and biases. As someone who is passionate about technology and its potential to drive positive change, I initially approached the topic with a somewhat optimistic outlook, focusing on the potential benefits of AI in elections. However, as I delved deeper into the literature and encountered critiques of AI-driven electoral practices, I realized the importance of critically examining both sides of the debate and acknowledging the complexities of technology and politics.

From the work and completion of this project I learned that I am someone who is easily overwhelmed by a project of this length. While it was very challenging at times I was able to break up the project to look at the five parts separately rather than one massive project. This helped with time management and ensured that each part was done to the best of my ability.

Furthermore, this project has sparked new questions and avenues for further inquiry. For instance, I am interested in exploring the role of regulatory frameworks and ethical guidelines in governing the use of AI in elections. Additionally, I am curious about the long-term societal implications of widespread AI adoption in electoral processes, including its impact on voter trust and confidence.

In conclusion, the process of researching the pros and cons of AI in elections has been both enlightening and thought-provoking. It has deepened my understanding and encouraged me to adopt a more nuanced perspective on the role of technology in shaping the future of democracy.


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Annotated Bibliography

Big tech vows action on “deceptive” AI in elections. (2024, February 16).

The article follows up on the agreement made between the largest tech companies to ensure AI does not affect elections. It provides a thorough explanation of the technology they will use to take down any harmful content. The article was chosen as it presents the actions taken by the tech companies to resolve the influence of AI on elections.

Bond, S. (2024, February 8). AI fakes raise election risks as lawmakers and tech companies scramble to catch up. NPR.

‌The article discusses how an AI generated phone call from “the president” raised threats against New Hampshire voters. AI is becoming increasingly smarter where they can now mimic voices to sound like political leaders. The article was chosen as it provides examples of how AI is already posing threats against the current elections.

Hsu, T., & Myers, S. L. (2023, June 25). A.I.’s Use in Elections Sets Off a Scramble for Guardrails. The New York Times.

The article provides numerous examples of politicians using AI technology to create messages and images in their campaigns. The article was chosen as it discusses the positive and negative effects of sending these images and messages.

Metz, C., & Hsu, T. (2024, April 2). An A.I. Researcher Takes On Election Deepfakes. The New York Times.

The article features discussions from Oren Etzioni, an artificial intelligence researcher who started the nonprofit,, which works to fight against AI content. Research and opinions from Dr. Etzioni explains how AI is creating deepfakes that are almost impossible to distinguish, which poses a big threat for elections and the spread of disinformation. The article was selected as it provides examples of disinformation and how difficult it is to spot leading to mistrust against AI.

Milmo, D., & editor, D. M. G. technology. (2024, April 5). China will use AI to disrupt elections in the US, South Korea and India, Microsoft warns. The Guardian.

The article explains that with India, the United States, and South Korea all heading to the polls, they expect to see some Chinese cyber actors target the elections. In the least, we may experience AI generated content through social media that benefits their position, however, the power of their content may increase leading to audiences being swayed in certain directions. This article was chosen as it highlights how AI. in other countries threaten elections elsewhere.

Mueller, J. (2024, March 31). Deepfakes raise alarm about AI in elections. The Hill.

‌The article discusses the power of deepfakes created by AI and the possible effect they hold against elections. The article provides a detailed description of how easy it is to create an effective deepfake. The article was chosen as it provides good background to what deepfakes are, how they are made, and what significance they hold in elections.

Nicas, J., & Herrera, L. C. (2023, November 15). Is Argentina the First A.I. Election? The New York Times.

‌The article looks at the current presidential election in Argentina where AI has been heavily used throughout the entire campaign. The article was chosen as it is explained that Argentina’s election will become a “testing ground” for AI in campaigns.

Tech giants pledge action against deceptive AI in elections. (2024, February 16). NPR.

‌The article explains that a group of the biggest tech giants have settled on an agreement that outlaws a set of principles and commitments from each company to help detect and label content created with AI. The article was chosen as it provides an example of regulation that has taken place to help minimize the effects of AI in the 2024 election.

The New York Times. (2023, October 3). Are Artificial Intelligence and democracy compatible?

The article features a conversation from the Athens Democracy Forum where Nick Clegg, president of global affairs for Meta, speaks on the use of AI in democracy. He describes the benefits of using AI to combat hate speech while also sharing insights on how regulation within tech companies will help the public trust the use of AI This source was selected as it highlights the positives of the use of AI in democracy and how it could potentially be more beneficial with better regulation.

Vigdor, N. (2024, March 26). Fretting About Election-Year Deep Fakes, States Roll Out New Rules for A.I. Content. The New York Times.

The article discusses different states that have required regulation for AI use in elections. The main goals of regulations are for advertisers to disclose when AI is used to create content, if they fail to do so they risk being fined. The source was chosen to provide examples of how regulation is contributing to the use of AI in elections.

