How does TikTok make people more trusting and connected to strangers?

Ryan Bargmann
Digital & Media Lit COM 250
3 min readMar 11, 2024

In today’s digital age, social media platforms like TikTok have revolutionized the way people connect and interact with others, especially with influencers. This essay reflects on the collaborative research process my partner and I undertook to explore how TikTok and similar platforms foster trust and connection with strangers, particularly influencers. Our journey involved a combination of database and online article research, creative video production on Vimeo, and seamless collaboration to bring our findings together.

To begin our research, my partner and I divided the tasks based on our strengths and interests. He took the lead in finding database articles, while I scoured the internet for online articles related to the topic. This division of labor allowed us to cover a wide range of perspectives and information sources, enriching our understanding of the subject matter.

Our initial research revealed that TikTok’s algorithm plays a crucial role in connecting users with influencers. The platform’s algorithm analyzes user behavior, preferences, and interactions to curate content, including influencer content, tailored to individual users. This personalized content delivery creates a sense of familiarity and trust between users and influencers, as users feel that the platform understands their interests and preferences.

After gathering our research findings, we decided to creatively present our insights through an information video on Vimeo. I took on the task of creating the first half of the video, which focused on explaining what TikTok is, the TikTok shop, and the algorithm behind both. This section aimed to provide viewers with a foundational understanding of TikTok and its mechanisms before delving into the connection between social media platforms and trusting strangers.

Once my part was completed, I passed the baton to my partner, who seamlessly integrated his research findings into the second half of the video. He elaborated on how TikTok’s algorithm fosters a sense of connection and trust with influencers, highlighting the role of relatability, authenticity, and engagement in building trust between users and influencers. By combining our efforts, we were able to create a cohesive and informative video that synthesized our research findings effectively.

Throughout our collaborative research journey, communication and mutual respect were key. We regularly updated each other on our progress, exchanged ideas, and provided feedback to enhance the quality of our work. Our collaboration not only enriched our research but also strengthened our teamwork and communication skills.

In conclusion, our research on how social media platforms like TikTok make people more trusting and connected to strangers, such as influencers, was a rewarding and enlightening experience. Through a combination of database and online article research, creative video production on Vimeo, and effective collaboration, we were able to explore and present the intricate dynamics of trust and connection in the digital age. This project has not only deepened our understanding of social media but also reinforced the importance of collaboration and communication in research and creative endeavors.

Watch our video to learn more:

Works Cited

Grandinetti, J., & Bruinsma, J. (2022). The affective algorithms of conspiracy TikTok. Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic Media, 1–20. doi:10.1080/08838151.2022.2140806

Harding, X. (2023). How to Change Your Tiktok Algorithm.” Mozilla Foundation.

Harwell, D. (2023). How Tiktok Swept the Internet — Washington Post.

Smith, B. (2021). How Tiktok Reads Your Mind.” The New York Times, The New York Times.

Southern, M. G. (2022). Tiktok a Key Part of Consumers’ Path to Purchase. Search Engine Journal.

Timmins, M. (n.d.). Time Flies When You’re Having Fun! How TikTok’s Algorithm Gets Users Hooked.” Digital Innovation and Transformation,

Turits, M. (2023). How Tiktokers Make You Spend.” BBC News, BBC.

