Renee Hobbs
Digital & Media Lit COM 250
4 min readApr 26, 2024
LEAP 2 : Collaborate and Create for COM 250

Collaborate & Create

Working collaboratively with a partner, create something (in print, video, audio, or graphic design form) that enables you to apply your media literacy knowledge and skills to answer an important question about media’s role society.

DUE: Sunday, March 10 at 9 PM

POINTS: 200 (20% of class grade)

Your Content, Purpose and Audience

This is your opportunity to deepen your expertise on a topic that is especially interesting to you and your partner. This is a research project that builds upon Courageous Rhode Island, a statewide media literacy initiative. Your target audience is college educated adults, ages 23–45. Choose from among these topics:

😎 Pro-Tip: Visit Courageous Rhode Island to learn more about these topics. At this website, you can gain important background knowledge that will make your project sparkle!

What You Submit

  1. Submit a creative work in print, video, audio, or graphic design form that informs your audience. You may also choose to persuade and/or entertain. Use any genre or style that is appropriate for the target audience. See expectations below.
  2. Write a reflective essay (minimum 750 words) about the research, creative, and collaborative processes you used to complete this assignment.
  3. Post your work to our Medium publication.

Expectations for Media Forms

Print: Create an academic paper with 12–15 pages of original writing

Video: Create an informative video (live action, animation, or screencast) that’s 4–5 minutes in length

Audio: Create an informative podcast that is 8–12 minutes in length

Graphic Design: Create an infographic with 8–12 original images

😎 Pro-Tip: For tips on multimedia creation tools, visit Create to Learn Online to learn about the free platforms that you can use to create media in these forms.

What’s So Special about the Power of Two? The “power of two” is a stimulant that accelerates creativity! You have already interacted with some people in this class. Reach out to a class member to find a partner. When you find your partner, put your names and topic on this Google Doc.

Criteria for Evaluation

  1. Quality Content. You have composed media (in print, video, audio, or graphic design format) that offers new information about the topic you have selected and demonstrates your media literacy competencies. You have used 7–15 sources and provided full citations in your blog entry, using APA format. The opinions, information and ideas you showcase are relevant to the topic and offer a real “aha” type insight to your target audience.
  2. Quality Form. You have creatively used the affordances of print, audio, video, or graphic design to communicate information, opinions, ideas, and feelings through the imaginative use of symbols. Evidence of planning, collaboration and other dimensions of the “create to learn” process is evident in your completed work. The work you create is polished and professional.
  3. Collaboration and Reflection. In creating your work, you have used “the power of two” to generate new insights and ideas, building upon the ideas you have encountered in the course. Your reflective writing about the delights and challenges of the creative and collaborative experience is authentic and personal.

POINTS: 200 (20% of class grade)


  1. First, create a free Medium account. Create your first blog post that includes both your video and your short essay.
  2. Then, put your Medium account name on this list of writers for our COM 250 class publication. After you do this, Renee will add you as a writer and you will be able to submit your work to the class publication.
  3. Next, submit your published blog for submission in the COM 250 class publication.

Follow these simple instructions to submit your work to the class publication.

After you complete your LEAP 2 and post it to your Medium page, add a feature image to increase the appeal of the page. Please add 5 tags to increase findability, including COM250.

