Pros and Cons of Propaganda

Anneliese Curry
Digital & Media Lit COM 250
2 min readApr 28, 2024

Video Link

Annotated Bibliography


After the last unit we did, I still found myself thinking about the content. I wanted to dive deeper into propaganda and what can happen because of it. To make this project, I started out by getting all my sources sorted and creating the annotated bibliography. Finishing the annotated bibliography first allowed me to gather information about my topic that would be needed for the other steps. I then moved on to creating the venn-diagram of pro-propaganda vs. anti-propaganda. I was able to use the information we had learned in class and my own research to create the graphic. When I had both of those done, I moved onto the video. When I saw that Canva was one of the sites we could use to make the video, I jumped at the opportunity to use it. I love using Canva because of how easy it is to navigate and how much there is to use. I was able to pick a theme and easily translate all the information I needed to on the video.

From completing this process, I was able to confirm one of the things I suspected about me, that the hardest thing for me is getting to starting the project. Because we had to create the research inquiry on our own, I had a harder time starting because I wasn’t sure what I wanted to look into further. But when I took a look back at the course, I saw our unit on propaganda, and I instantly knew I wanted to use that as a jumping off point. When I found my topic, I found the process fairly easy to work on from there. The past Leaps had prepared me for this final project more than I realized and I knew exactly what I needed and how to find it.

After diving deeper into propaganda, I now wonder if there will be severe long-term effects from it. Because it has only risen in recent years, we don’t know true long-term effects, and I wonder what they might be. I also am curious if propaganda will continue to grow in popularity or if it will die down in coming years. Another thought that came into my mind during the project was if there will be awareness spread around the topic? Learning about propaganda will be the best solution to identifying it and ultimately shutting it down.

