David Dobrik, Entertainer

Taylor Cileli
Digital & Media Literacy
3 min readMar 5, 2021

For this project, when I looked at the project requirements and noticed we were going to focus on a digital author, I immediately thought of David Dobrik. I decided to focus on him because has such a creative mind with such humor, and is known for his generosity. David has a passion for making funny vlogs with his friends and himself. For the past few years I have been a big fan of watching David’s vlogs because they are pure enjoyment, sometimes I sit and think to myself is this really all I’ve been doing all day long?

I knew from the beginning that I was definitely going to talk about a youtuber since I have become so addicted to watching youtube all the time. The amount of time spent creating ideas, and editing that comes into play when thinking about content to post to keep the audience’s attention is very crucial especially when there are millions of people on the internet waiting for their favorite content creator to post. Content creators spend tons of time making sure their content is good enough to keep the audience interested, with that being said they often take days/ weeks to post this is due to the fact of them making content for their viewers without throwing random content into their videos.

Before I started working on my video, I looked over the questions to make sure I was able to answer them with as much information as I could with my prior knowledge of his content. I could not really decide who his content is aimed for since there is a lot of adult humor in his content so I just assumed an age where I thought who his content would be appropriate for.

After I gathered the information about the content creator, I decided to start the video making process. I ran into a few issues with ScreenCast-O-Matic editor unfortunately the recording of my screen was not letting me open them up within the editor app, it displayed a message saying it was not supported so I decided to work on my video within iMovie. I decided to go with iMovie since I was getting frustrated and I knew it was not that complicated to edit and put together a video. I have used iMovie plenty of times prior to editing this video. I felt more comfortable using iMovie as well since I was able to access all my pictures and videos I wanted to use within my video, the voiceover is also easy to just add in while the video plays so I can keep track of what part is being played.

I did struggle a little getting my voiceover lined up with the video only because I forgot to look at the video while I was talking but after a few tries I got it spot on. Even though I ran into a few minor issues I still had fun creating this video, I got a feel for what the youtubers may have struggled with when they were first starting vlogging. I really enjoyed the fact that I got to get creative for this project and pick someone I personally like. It was nice to have a project that was not based on a person I had to do research on.

