“If Anything Happens I Love You” Review

Suraiya Hamidzada
Digital & Media Literacy
2 min readMar 29, 2021

“If anything happens I love you” is an Oscar nominated short film that will break your heart before sewing it back together again. It is a great animated short to watch, but be ready to become an emotional mess. This short film follows a couple who is grieving after having lost their daughter in a school shooting. The parents are trying to navigate through life after having lost their daughter and they reminisce on memories of happy moments with her as well as the day they lost her.

This film was beautifully animated in an illustrative style that portrayed the grief the parents went through. The animation is black and white, except for the few blue objects that hold important memories of their daughter. As the parents remember the happy times they shared with their daughter we see their shadows portray how they felt in those moments and the love they have for their daughter and each other. The soundtrack beautifully enhances these emotions.

We never hear words spoken in the film so the soundtrack became the emotional dialogue. It begins with an orchestral piece as the parents muddle through their now empty daily life, but when the daughter’s record player begins to spin one of her pop songs starts to play and her parents begin to allow themselves to reminisce.

This was a beautiful short film that used music as well as an interesting animation style to present their story. The creators worked with the non-profit, Everytown for Gun Safety, to share the grief of parents who have lost a child to gun violence. I don’t usually like sad films, but I thought it shared an important statement on gun control by allowing the viewer to relate to the parent’s loss.

I would definitely recommend this short film from Netflix to friends and family, but it is not for those who are looking for a cute and happy short. Potential viewers have to be ready to experience the same feelings of loss and grief that comes with losing a loved one.

