Influencing 101
For this project, my partner and I chose to present on the topic of influencing. When reflecting on this recent creative production experience, a few things come to mind. To start with the good, I think that it was great that we were able to look at this project starting two weeks ago. This allowed me to comfortably find a partner and to start thinking of ideas a week before we had to. I also enjoyed working with someone during this because we were able to easily bounce ideas off each other in order to come up with the best presentation possible. I also enjoyed working with someone because it made me have to work on not just my own time but the time of my partners. This made me get everything done just a little ahead of schedule to ensure that I wasn’t slowing my partner down in any way.
I feel as though this experience would have been better if this had been an in-person or even just a synchronous class. This is because since both my partner and I have jobs on top of a full class schedule, we never were able to find a compatible time to meet on the phone or on a zoom call. We definitely could not have met in person because we reside in two different states on opposite sides of the country. I feel as though if we did have this opportunity to talk to each other in real time, this project would have been done with a lot less effort. Since all we could do was text and wait for the other one to reply, we didn’t get things done as efficiently as I had imagined (although I truly am happy with our final project).
Even though we both are extremely busy in and out of school hours, I am still glad that Alex and I chose to work together for several reasons. One being that we are from the same age group and both of us witnessed the boom of influencing, giving us an upper hand. Another reason is that we are both active on social media and come face to face with influencing every day. This was beneficial because when we first decided to do the topic of influencing, we decided to keep track of all the different forms we come across during the week. This allowed us to easily compile a presentation explaining all of the aspects of influencing.
Over all, this was a great learning experience and I have come to appreciate deadlines. If it weren’t for deadlines, I would have an extremely difficult time getting stuff done. At the same time, they can sometimes cause me to not produce the best work possible if the time constraint is too much. In this case, I felt as though the deadline was perfect and gave me plenty of time to pick a partner, pick a topic, research that topic and then come up with a video presentation for that topic. During the first week that we were aware of this assignment, I picked a partner and was able to brainstorm some ideas. It was in the second week that production truly got started and even then a week was plenty of time to produce quality work.