Instagram Algorithms

Taylor Cileli
Digital & Media Literacy
2 min readApr 11, 2021

For the LEAP 2 project since we had to pair up with a partner I thought it was a cool idea to meet someone new to do this project specifically since we were able to pick our own topic that related to the course. William reached out to me by email to ask if I had already paired up with a partner and at the time I was currently looking for one so I decided to email him right away letting him know I still needed a partner and that I was interested in being his.

When it came to deciding what topic my partner William and I were going to do we decided to partner up exchange phone numbers and try to figure out what interested both of us first before jumping into topics. It was unfortunate that we were not able to meet in person to make this video due to the pandemic going on and me personally being out of state at the moment. When we finally decided to do our project on algorithms the first thing that came to mind was Instagram, as we all know what Instagram is. It’s a social media platform used to upload photos and videos to your story or your profile for your followers to see. Algorithms are very big today and they change all the time. William and I decided that algorithms on Instagrams platform were the easiest to do since Instgaram is a very popular social media platform that many individuals use to share what they are up to or what places they are at.

William had started up a google doc for us to write down some ideas for algorithms and we decided one day to FaceTime to discuss the ideas and to split up the work. We figured out who wanted to do what and then it came time for us to start finding information for our topic. We both decided to do our work on our own. When it came to the video I decided to make my part of the video using images and videos from my own personal Instagram to incorporate throughout the video so viewers could gain a better understanding of what I was mentioning. I made my part of the video on Imovie since I have worked with Imovie many times in the past and it is easy for me to use. Overall I really enjoyed working with William and the project was fun!

