Journalistic Techniques Within The News

Makenzee Montanaro
Digital & Media Literacy
3 min readApr 11, 2022

I had a very hard time with this project. The first challenge I had was even finding a partner. I emailed everyone on the list and even those who were not on the list at all. I think it was very difficult to do a group project online when you have never met anyone in the class. Because of the lack of communication I did the entire project on my own. I tried to reach out, but who not get any responses. I felt like the whole time with this project I was watching my email the way entire time.

Creating the project itself was very interesting. I thought it was fun to be able to do a deep dive about some topic we had already discussed in class. There were many options choose from so I really had to think about it. I landed on Journalist techniques focusing on framing, agenda setting, and priming because I think it is an important concept for people in the United States to understand. These are used every single day and ways that can completely influence your behavior or mindset. Coming up with a topic was obviously the first thing I did. Afterwards I began to do some research on how to actually make the video with what I am able to do. I did this by watching videos on youtube about different software and apps that can help make videos.

I tried to use two different websites. The first one I had to pay in order to export it, which I cannot afford at this time of my life. The second one was too confusing and made the movie very boring. I decided to use iMovie in the end. I picked this since I had some experience with it in high school. After I had some idea of where I was headed I did research and wrote the script. I organized the script into five parts. The first part was the introduction. Then the next three were the main terms; framing, agenda setting, and priming. Within each of these three categories I had smaller ones where I explained the definition and how it is used in real life. The final category was the conclusion. Having this organization allowed me to be able to write the script with some ease. Finally I found pictures and videos to make the video.

I think that working with a deadline is a bit stressful, but forces one to get everything done. I know for me I am always stressed since after I submit it, I think about all the ways I could have messed up. Also, I am not the type of person who creates any sort of media. I do not post often on social media and all my class have either test or papers. It was very unusual for me to have to make a video. I had to try and be creative, which is something I scarcely do. Having to be creative under a deadline is a completely new thing to me.

Overall the project was a new experience for me. My favorite parts of this project was trying a different form of learning and teaching. In all my other classes I never get the chance to be creative. It was fun to have to figure out a way to teach people about a topic I found was interesting. The downside was the collaberation. It felt as if I tired my best to get in contact, but it just did not work out. It was frustrating have to do this basically all on my own.

Works Cited

Chenkhinwee. “Agenda Setting.” Media Studies 101, BCcampus, 28 Feb. 2014,

Medina, Leslie M, et al. “Shaping Public Opinion through the Lens of Agenda Setting in Rolling out COVID-19 Vaccination Program.” Journal of Public Health (Oxford, England), Oxford University Press, 7 June 2021,

“News Framing.” Obo,

WPSU — Penn State Public Media. Second-Level Agenda Setting,

Advertising, Public relations. “Agenda Setting Theory.” Communication Theory, 27 Oct. 2019,

Psychology, Behavioral And Social Science. “Priming.” Communication Theory, 10 July 2014,

