My top ten listicle

Grace Medeiros
Digital & Media Literacy
5 min readMay 3, 2022



Propaganda goes all the way back to World War 1. The idea of propaganda and how it ties in into communication is it is supposed to spread certain ideas or beliefs. Propaganda is supposed to shape how people think .Propaganda is readily available to the public. The public sometimes has a hard time seeing the dishonest and deceptive message that is being presented. I think Propaganda is such a big part of the media because it is everywhere. In our time right now we see it especially with the war in Ukraine and misinformation Russia is spreading to their residents.

9.Importance of Media Literacy

The importance of media literacy is the ability to think about what is being portrayed to you as a viewer. Being able to think critically can help identify reliable sources. Filtering all misinformation can be difficult but being able to think critically can make it easier. I personally have found this sleep especially when researching a news topic. It is easy to click on the first link and read it. Doing the extra research can help you as a person get a better understanding and form a better opinion and understanding.

8.Regulated Media

Regulated media is an important topic to definitely cover in class. Living in the United States according to the constitution everyone is allowed to have freedom of speech. While some media is regulated most is not. As viewers of the media we do not have any control of what we see and consume. Algothruims watch what we do and what we are interested in. I think it was interesting to know this topic. I hear people say “big brother is watching” which is true, but do they really know what it means? People need to be more informed of how media is not really regulated rather it is personalized to your viewing, from your previous interactions.

7. Social Media companies and money

In general I think this topic is overlooked. Sites like Facebook and Instagram make money through advertising. Once I learned more information about the topic I realized how many ads are truly on Facebook and going back to algorithms. Those ads are going back your previous engagements with other searches. This makes you click and buy.There’s companies like Netflix that make money through subscriptions. Where you pay a monthly fee to use their service. The media industry makes millions of dollars every year based on its users.

6.Who decides what media is good

In my opinion this topic could be controversial. Who decides what media is good is you as a user. Some people like certain media over others. When looking for good media, you should be looking for factual information. Also deciding what makes it good people should be cross referencing their sources. By doing this it helps make it more credible. This strategy is great for any research. Especially with class where lots of reading is involved it is good cross reference. The material that the professor gave us definitely was all useful helpful articles.

5. Where do people get their news

People get their news in different ways. The way people have gotten their information and news has definitely changed over the years. While people still get the newspaper the newspaper is also digitailized.Meaning people can have updated and breaking news all at their fingertips. Newer platforms like podcasts also are a way people can get their news. People in my generation mainly get their news digitized. Which is helpful, being able to get your news anywhere and not waiting is helpful to help stay informed. Looking back to the 1900’s people would sometimes would have to wait a whole day to get the news and information they want.


Authenticity plays a big part in all parts of life. Being authentic shows who you truly are. On social media people have the ability to do what they wish. Social media provides people to find people like them and build their own communities. Being true to yourself and values makes up who you are. A big part of being authentic is regardless of what people are saying about you, you are true to yourself. To be authentic is also being able to take responsibility for your mistakes and actions. It can be hard to see people’s true authentic self online. It is easy online to be someone you are not. In this class, always connecting through the media, it was easy to tell people in our class were authentic and had true values. My classmates this semester were definitely the most engaging classmates I have ever had in an online class.

3.Narrative Plots

I added narrative plots to my list because I love to watch movies and read books with this type of plot. A movie that comes to mind is Wizard of OZ. Perfect cause and effect relationship. Narrative plots are the most predictable.They show a story. These types of plots also are designed to help keep the reader reading to find out what will happen. With narratives, plots are the most important element of the story. It is where we learn all about the characters, setting and getting a glimpse of the moral of the story.

2.Inequality in the industry

Living in 2022 to me it is still ridiculous we still have to talk about inequality. It is sad that Hollywood still does not allow women to direct certain movies. What is even more sad is the industry is losing money due to not letting women do a certain thing. While the presence of women is bigger than years ago. Hollywood still has a long way to go. In this class I think it is an important topic to shed light on because some people still do not realize that it is still happening.

1.Representation Vs Reality

In my opinion I would consider this the most important. I would say this because it is easy to pretend who you are online. It is easy to photoshop and not be authentic. It is easy to hide behind a screen and be someone you are not. Reality is real, it is not fake, it is what is happening in the real world. Representation is what helps give reality. Reality also includes meaning and interpretation, and with communication it is all about how we receive the meaning of messages and how we interpret them.

