Oscar-Nominated International Film: Another Round (2020) Movie Review

Lena Pang-Khloeum
Digital & Media Literacy
3 min readMay 30, 2021
Mads Mikkelsen plays Martin, a high school history teacher, in this 2020 drama.

Drink, drank, drunk…druk? Wait, was that a typo? Not in Denmark! Druk is a Danish term for binge-drinking. Another Round (Druk) is a 2020 Oscar-Nominated international drama film that takes place in Copenhagen; starring Mads Mikkelsen, famous for his role in the James Bond film, Casino Royale (2006). The film follows Mikkelsen, who plays as Martin, and three of his co-workers. The four teachers struggle with teaching bored students, while leading boring lives…until they are faced with Skårderud’s theory — humans have a deficit of 0.05% BAC, which will make one feel more creative and relaxed.

Desperate for excitement, the group decides they will test Skårderud’s theory, agreeing to keep their BAC at 0.05% while drinking at work. For a while, their experiment starts to work. They become better teachers, better partners; the liquor gave ignited a spark in them. Buzzed off the thrill of the experiment, the four continue to push the rules to as far as a BAC of 0.11%, as their lives show to be seemingly better. Yeah, 10 more drinks won’t hurt…. right? As predicted, things quickly go downhill.

This Danish film is classified as a “comedy-drama”, but I found it to be very emotional and heartbreaking. Another Round shows viewers the consequences of alcohol abuse and its detrimental effects. There were times my liver hurt watching them drink. Martin literally begins to drown himself in copious amounts of liquor to escape the misery of his depression. He justifies it with their psychological study but exhibits one of the first signs of alcoholism: denial. This film gives insight to midlife crises, group behavior and alcoholism. The teachers felt pressure when it came to testing the theory. While Martin’s BAC went up, he began to become more engaged as a teacher, husband and father. His colleagues on the “study” — Tommy, Peter and Nikolaj — watched as Martin became successful, pressuring themselves to drink more. While the liquor allowed them to reconnect with their lives, it proves to be only a temporary solution.

When we’re young, it feels like there are no consequences. Getting drunk on a Thursday is probably just another Thursday when you’re in college. There’s so much hope for the future and life presents itself with endless opportunities. However, as our youth fades and the dreary responsibilities of adulthood take over, the hope becomes lost. The film begins with shots of teenagers running wild, having the time of their lives — while taking shots. The editor uses color grading techniques with warm, yellow-orange tones to give off a nostalgic and happy vibe. The teachers attempt to return to their youth, a time where they were fun and thriving, through the consumption of alcohol. There’s a scene showing the four men drunk in the streets, laughing and enjoying their time — making commentary on the parallel with the opening scene.

Another Round tells a compelling tale of the mundane lives of schoolteachers desperate for happiness. Viewers are able to connect and feel for these characters, as they are just normal people. I highly recommend watching this film as it teaches a very important lesson. Drink responsibly!

