Reflection on the collaborative process

Emerie Peterson
Digital & Media Literacy
3 min readApr 11, 2022

Being totally honest I was nervous to do this project because for the most part I didn't know anyone in this class to begin with. I didn't know who I was going to be paired with and if it would have been one person doing all the work and the other just adding their name to it. The pressure of the deadline only added more anxiety about this project. Worried I wouldn't be able to find a partner was something that was a big part of that. After figuring out a partner I was glad I didn't have to do the whole thing alone and we started discussing the ideas we had for this project. One highlight of this project was learning to communicate with someone online while also having to deal with the deadline approaching. This made me realize that working with other people doesn't always have to be an in person thing, if we can properly communicate about the project at hand we can do it from the comfort of our own beds. One lowlight of this project would have to be the process in making the video. Not that the production of the video was very difficult, it was just a very time consuming process. Making sure the audio and the pictures lined up together meant needing to go through and watch the video over and over and making sure it looked the best it could. Even though that wasn't particularly difficult it did take a while to fully do it the way I wanted to for it to look good.

The collaborative process during this leap project went smoothly for my partner and I. We both decided it would be best if we split up the work due to working together on an online project. We split the work by discussing over text what we wanted to do and some ideas that we both were thinking about, then one of us wrote the script and the other made the video. We both offered help if either of us needed it. An open line of communication was always available during the process of the project if there were any problems with either part. We decided to do our project on framing perspectives in media and how it influences stereotypes. This process went very smoothly for both of us, if either of us had a question we asked and incorporated it into our project or we discussed it so the whole thing would make sense to the both of us.My partner did the writing of the script and I did the video production part of the project. Before writing the script we texted each other to be sure of the content we wanted to be in the script then the same thing happened with the video, we made sure both of us were fully in agreement and fully understood what each of our parts were. Overall, I would do this process and project again because it wasn't as intimidating as It seemed to be.

