An Introduction — Suj Jasti

Suj Jasti
Digital Media & Society Spring 2020
2 min readJan 30, 2020

Hello everyone! I’m Suj Jasti. I’m a Journalism and Media Studies major and I’m also working towards a minor in creative writing. I suppose those two types of writing are kind of diametric opposites but I think that’s at least in part because the kinds of writing and work that interest me are so varied and diverse. As a career goal though I would love to stay in the field of media studies and pursue it as an academic. I guess the ideal career would be to teach media studies to others, perhaps as a professor at a university. At the same time, I’ve always felt that media studies is something that everyone should concern themselves with since all of us engage with media just by virtue of participating in the media-entangled society that we inhabit, and if there’s anything I can do to make the academic knowledge I gain easier to access for everyone then I will gladly do just that.

As far as who I am outside of academics, I’m a pretty avid reader and writer. I write a little bit of everything from essays to poetry to fiction. I’ve always been a big fan of science fiction and fantasy and these are often where the focus of my fiction writing lies. Aside from that I watch a lot of movies and play a lot of games and I try to engage with a good variety of content within those two media. As far as general background things go, I’m a New Jersey native, from the Princeton area specifically, and I have a pretty deep interest in politics and current events, especially things that happen at the national and international stage. I’m not great with intros so that’s about as much as I can think of now but I look forward to getting to know everyone better in class.

