Brandon Figueroa
Digital Media & Society Spring 2020
4 min readApr 4, 2020


Guest lecture portfolio assignment

The first guest lecturers in Griffin tally Cooper already seen to catch my attention as he is a filmmaker and film is something I would love to work on in the future whether that’s in front of behind the camera. Reading his bio and he is exploring vr and 360° video as a way to communicate and complex efficient sure entanglements with something that was interesting to read it also kind of relates to his second slide of his lecture with the Amazon echo and I system which I thought was very cool and even cooler when he said how it was included in the permanent collection in the Museum of modern Art in New York. I’m big on art and always considered art to to come from many farms but never from the infrastructure of a device it’s more so on the media site for me whether it’s music movies or painting or a structure. i’m glad he included the part that mentions the current pandemic that we are in right now as it is the most talked about topic as of late and seems the most relevant and would it be weird for him not to include it. I Kinda already had a pre-notion of how important the Internet is now and you say that now more than ever it is it heavily relied on as no one is able to go outside so yes it is astounding to fragility of global logistics and industries in the “Just in time” production of things. There’s is so many delays on things such as movies, games, world events that is being affected by this. It was funny how he mentions how we became post human and the description on how a “bunch of white dues started this notion”. Talking about cybernetics and how it emerged in the 1940s after World War II. Also how early information theory came from similar groups of thinkers. He he talks how these two things snowballed into modern world now. By way of information has the stable value across all context and to understand complex human machines, all you need to know is inputs and outputs. This way of think is very philosophical to me on a best friend through today’s technologies. I love the example how we bring up the iPhone and how whatever he touches reacts to that whatever he needs but doesn’t know that the hardware that is inside that makes it possible but it doesn’t need to. it was cool to see how he thinks or says Greenland is the future with its minerals and is highly volcanic. The part that he speaks mainly of his how green it is all in terms of its formation or rocks again with its minerals. Out of all places Greenland will not be in top of my list of places that could be a place of importance in terms o future innovations. The BBC reading relates to this and making it technology affects the lake and it’s minerals there pertaining it in a way that may be the reason why he brings up Greenland. The readings based on the coronavirus I seem to relate to a lot especially when it comes to social media or just being social in general in these times. We’re having to stay home I found myself incredibly bored and for that reason I had created an Instagram account for myself something I’ve always been refrain from making as it creates more anxiety due to a number of likes or followers being a way to dictate how you were judged by other users at least that’s how I think of it. I never wanted to introduce myself today I find myself doing site either way as again I was bored. I posted one picture and was obsessed with how many likes I was going to get the whole day it was posted. So in a tech crunch article talking on social media’s where there’s nothing to brag about is more fun for something that intrigued me. “ It’s stopped being about how this looks and started being about how this feels. Does it put me at peace, make me laugh, or abate the loneliness?” This is entirely how I feel in todays climate. The article mentions zoom being a popular application that is used between people to communicate with each other from the safety of their homes. Of course even schools are using zoom in order to give remote lectures but its also being used for things such as digital happy hour’s in which I have taken a part of. The article brings up how zoom doesnt have things such as likes or followers counts in which this makes zoom less stressful and more fun.As I mentioned before I totally agree with this statement and one of the reasons I love social media’s such as snapchat because theres no followers count or like system that other people can see. I didnt even know about the app hosueparty before reading the article but I can only imagine the success that this pandemic had brought it and Zoom. Its true that with these apps we are undivided by geography in a way as countless of my friends went back home out of state of New Jersey with one of them going back to place as far as india. Social medias with follower counts such as Instagram is seeing live concerts from famous artists such as John Legend as the article brings up. Its evident that we are more social than ever in these type of platforms as I believe people are just trying to find ways to communicate with people that doesn’t have them metting them in person or going outside.

