Portfolio #5

Kara DeSouza
Digital Media & Society Spring 2020
2 min readFeb 27, 2020

Part 1:


Teisha communicates her identity by generating a curated image through social media copy and tailored images and videos in a way that she is fashioning her identity as a female boss, empowering other like-minded women who are relentless and extremely driven to work and achieve their ambitions. Teisha communicates this by creating on-brand social media messaging through all of her channels instilling in her followers that she is constantly hustling and being her own inspiration while inspiring others.

She participates in self-branding whenever she goes on social media and produces this boss bitch persona, attributing her presence and posts to this specific orchestrated persona. I feel as if Teisha’s process of participating in her own self-branding is one that meticulously manages how her audience is receiving her holistically. For instance, she posts about how her success was not given but earned and is not for the faint of heart instilling with her audience her branded identity as a strong independent successful woman. But also, I have observed that she disperses more “spontaneous” and personal content within the mix to display holistically that she is more than a one-dimensional brand, she is as real and authentic as all of us.

Teisha’s role as a fearless boss lady really inhibits her to showcase her failures and weaknesses. She has to constantly show herself as if she is like an impenetrable force, unhurt and unbothered by critiques and shortcomings. As a result of her portrayed identity on social media, the content she produces is very limited to her niche of the empowered female entrepreneur.

Part 2:

This week’s themes around self and identity relate to my keyword in an interesting way. Deducing from my knowledge of culture I would say that both culture and self-identity on social media are both constructed in a similar way. They both have parameters that sort of constrict and confine them. Both culture and self-presentation are fluid and constantly reinventing itself throughout our lifetime, however, each is restricted to the ideals of people usually within the “majority”. As front runners in their respective industries influencers sort of dominate different spaces and created a rubric for how different individuals should act and present themselves on social media, in culture the majority dictates in some aspect the nature of the culture of a group or region.

