Portfolio 7

Digital Media & Society Spring 2020
1 min readApr 5, 2020

After reading both guest reader lectures, I have found them HIGHLY relatable. All of the articles that Ms. Gressit-Diaz sent us were super relatable to college students. The discussions about Zoom and Houseparty are so relevant to my own experience in quarantine. Whether it’s happy hour accompanied by “Quarantinis” are 21st birthdays via our computers, social and digital media has found a way into this time of our lives. I feel that without these distractions and solutions, children, college students, and adults, all together, would most likely break down into panic. Being stuck alone for such prolonged periods is not something we are accustomed to.

I did also learn from these posts. The powerpoint was very informative and taught me a bunch about Bitcoin and Greenland which I found very interesting. I also learned that what my friends and I are doing, with Zoom and facetime and whatnot, are all very common worldwide. I almost felt embarrassed for never moving from bed but this confirmed that everyone else is doing the same! Beating quarantine will take time, but being cautious and careful about it is our only solution.

