Portfolio Assignment #7

The themes and topics for this week were interesting and a reminder of what we are going through at this difficult time. In regards to the topic of bitcoin, it is something I still do not quite understand, but I do know that we might be heading into a world that revolves around that kind of currency. It will be something I hope does not happen, as I do not think it is a well enough method to handle currency, but all in all if we are approaching that future, we will be prepared for it. We are evolving in technology, so it is no surprise if we are updating the way we get paid or the way we can pay others.

Social Media has become a hobby for me during this quarantine. It has been a way to stay in communication with my friends and with the outside world, more in effect than it was before this pandemic. It seems that we weren’t as attached to technology as we are today and are searching for methods in order to stay active now that we are not able to roam outside. The idea of bringing kids to learning with technology at home has come into reality now and the motivation to work out that was non-existent is now existent since there is nothing else to do if you aren’t involved in online classes or working from home.

It’s quite unbelievable that I am alive to witness this moment that will become history, maybe even added into future history textbooks where my future children, if I have any, will one day read and ask me about. I’ll be glad to tell them how bored I was at home and learned to appreciate all the little things in life that I had taken for granted before.

