Pandora gets a new look before facing up against Spotify, Apple, Amazon

Digital Music
Published in
2 min readOct 12, 2016

As their full music streaming service approaches a release Pandora have gone for a new look to take on rival streamers with style.

The rebrand includes a new logo, font and general branding approach that looks a lot sexier and allows more variety with their styling. Pandora have followed many other online companies in the past years with a new look that is simple, bold and effective. They’ve gone sans-serif to look more modern and lost the 3D edge for a flatter, bolder looking logo.

Pandora gave a statement explaining the fresh coat of paint, saying:

Music is a personal experience for everyone, from the artists creating it all the way to the fans listening to it. And as Pandora continues to evolve the most personal music experience, our new look embraces the dynamic range of sound and color, visualizing the energy and emotion that artists pour into the creation of music, and that we feel as listeners. Our dynamic brand is composed of form, color and pattern, which we implemented into the new P icon and serves as your portal into the unique and diverse range of music you love.

Whilst a nice new image won’t give Pandora the upper hand over established music streaming services it gives it a more powerful image to begin working from. In the 21st century your brand is so important that some companies invest more in marketing than they do on their actual product, so having a strong image that people instantly associate with your company is vital.

As Pandora’s new logo has become flatter and simpler it allows it more versatility, which allows Pandora more creativity in advertising. Just check out this fashion shoot of the new logo in different styles below.

Music! Colors!

As Pandora approaches the release of it’s fully fledged music streaming service, moving from a music recommendations streamer, it’s going to want to use everything it has to face up against rivals. With established services like Spotify dominating the scene, new players like Apple Music seeing incredible success, and even newer services launching from giant companies like Amazon.

However Pandora have the advantage of being an established face in music streaming with user numbers that rival even Spotify and their ‘Thumbprint Radio’ being revealed as the “most popular radio station on earth” last week.

Pandora’s new branding has already rolled out on their mobile apps and is coming to their website and other devices before the year’s end.



Digital Music

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