Ant🐜vs Eagle🦅

Media Haqshenas
Digital Narratives
Published in
2 min readApr 27, 2023
Photo by Gwamaka Mwabuka.

26.04.2023 | Day 8 | Production Exercise 2

Today, I spent time developing the code and collaborating with my colleagues on art direction. We have made good progress and tomorrow, our goal is to polish up the design. Through the production exercise, I have not only gained technical skills but also soft skills. Working with different people has allowed me to understand their work styles, frustrations, and strengths. I am increasingly aware of the need to adapt myself when working in a team.

Photo by author.

In my opinion, working individually is similar to being an eagle — observing, deciding, and taking action on your own terms. In contrast, working in a team is like being an ant that helps a colony reach its goal. Neither work style is better than the other, but it’s important to recognize and consciously develop both work styles in your professional character. I have learned to switch between these two work styles depending on the project’s needs.

When working independently, it’s crucial to be a confident eagle, taking the initiative and being decisive. However, when working in a team, it’s important to be humble and committed to the colony’s success. By balancing these two work styles, I can be an effective team player while also achieving my individual goals.

