Laurien Michiels
Digital Narratives
Published in
3 min readApr 28, 2023

28.04.2023 | Day 10 | Production Exercise 2

Trying to get my last 2 braincells to focus on forming coherent verbalized thoughts. Photo by Sara Bell

Buongiorno! Buona sera! It is late, 22:51 at time of writing the VERY LAST production journal reflection. My soul is tired, my eyes can barely keep open, haha. Great for routine building though, a busy life does make you prioritize certain things over others and I look forward to prioritize sleep soon!

Today was all about the presentation of our prototype. The event took place in the cinema of the school and we got to use microphones, big screen, there were spotlights and cameras involved, professors joining in on Zoom, and curious people from the ifs. AH AND LAST BUT NOT LEAST, Caro and Guido from the Freies Werkstatt Theater, our stars of the show ❤.

I was quite nervous, and my mind tends to race in moments like this which makes it really hard to form coherent thoughts. It’s a lifelong struggle but hey it went relatively well and we got some great feedback by Caro and Guido. It was so cool to see the audience try out our prototypes and play around with them. The presentations by our other taskforces were magnificent to watch. Such cool projects they came up with and the development of them was so freakishly genius!

After the presentations we grabbed some lunch at the Italian place near our school. I enjoyed a chinotto, perhaps my favorite drink of all times (although it shares a spot with Julebrus and Trocadero).

In the afternoon we got together in our classroom to reflect on the past two weeks. We revisited our “Market of Skills” and added some things we learnt throughout. Afterwards we wrote some for our taskforce colleagues. Then we talked about what we “loathed”, “learnt”, “loved” and “longed for” during the production exercise. It was a sweet little circle moment where we could share our thoughts and experiences of the past days.

Then eventually we said our goodbyes to Lea and Maren and heck am I going to miss them! They have been the most wonderful teachers and I feel like I got to know them a bit better ❤ (well I guess we all got to know each other a bit better)

> On that note, that is something I found super cool during this production exercise, that the entire cohort sort of bonded in a way that is much more intimate. I feel very happy that we got to experience this ❤

So with this I say adjö. Morpheus is awaiting me in his castle and I can’t wait to be held in his arms. Mayhaps until the near future!

Laurien out.

Source: Giphy, The Office

