Day 3 — Ideation. The one-one-one rule. Teaming up

Stefania Matache
Digital Narratives
Published in
2 min readApr 24, 2023
Photo by author

The next day took off with a discussion about what we had seen the previous night, at the theatre. It sparked quite a heated conversation about feminism, where I discovered we may have opinions that are more divergent than I would’ve thought. I felt that we lost some valuable insights because we couldn’t actually finish the conversation — time pressure is high. While I understand why, I wish we had a chance to really process the information that we got from the play in a collective discussion — I think it would have been a valuable takeaway for everyone, especially those who couldn’t follow the play in German.

Even so, we moved on to ideation. Extracting some ideas and details from the play, we had the first brainstorming, where we decided on an environment, an interactable asset and an interaction of an user that would form the foundation of the WebXR project we are prototyping.

Next on the list was forming three teams or taskforces to work on three separate ideas. This was a surprisingly difficult task and more chaotic than I would have thought from a team of just nine. I am now part of the Blue Nipple Team, together with Pratima and Laurien. Our mission is to bring new, younger public to the theatre.

