‘Of A Lifetime’ 🪨

Media Haqshenas
Digital Narratives
Published in
2 min readApr 21, 2023
Photo by author

21.04.2023 | Day 6 | Production Exercise 2

By Media Haqshenas

OK, I didn’t write my blog posts regularly during the week! Right now it’s 20:54 and I’m still at school, listening to “Of A Lifetime” by the psychedelic rock band Journey.

Today I learned about agile development. My takeaway is that agile development is a project management method based on iterations as opposed to linear methods like waterfall development.

It’s a gradual revelation for me that a significant portion of the work time spent in companies is dedicated to logistics and management tasks.

These classes with Maren also serve as workshops on entrepreneurship for me. She, as a company founder herself, is knowledgeable about what it takes to run a business. I remember today she implied thinking about a prototype as a slice of a cake that needs to be as delicious as the whole cake🎂. We also talked about vertical slices, flowcharts, sprints, and the cone of uncertainties.

Today was also the first day that Daniel, Gwamaka, and I started working together. We called our task force The Spark. We worked on a prototype and called it EchoVerse. I’ll tell you more about it tomorrow.

I need to confess that I am exhausted at the moment. My presentation at the Dutch Hour Extreme yesterday was also quite a challenge. After that, I stayed there chatting with people until 21:00. So, yes, I’m looking forward to the weekend.


