Transforming into Jon Snow

Laurien Michiels
Digital Narratives
Published in
2 min readApr 26, 2023

26.04.2023 | Day 8 | Production Exercise 2

Screenshot of vulvaverse by Laurien.

I know nothing I kept thinking today :D Truly how complex is coding??? As a “philologue” I enjoy learning new languages as it gives you a more profound understanding of the world, and coding languages offer you a better understanding of how digital programs exactly work. It’s the language behind the scenes, but very much the essence for an audiovisual interactive output to occur. Idk I feel like I lack the words to describe how profoundly cool this language is.

There was a LOT of work to do today on the developer side and since that’s my division, it was due time to get the help I needed! We are SO lucky to have Lea as our guidance regarding the practical prototype development. Without her I’d be so lost and nothing would have come from it. We added media to each prototype sphere, first text, then video and lastly audio. Only audio would be relevant for our prototype but good to try and learn to link some other types of media. Later I changed the spheres to our vulva images. Then I changed the anchor images and included a working QR code it in it that leads the user to the anchor scanning tool. Lastly I tried to make the AR vulva that appears on the anchor, clickable so the user gets “transported” into the vulvaverse. Normally, in the ideal version, the AR vulva would be a portal the user could actually walk through, going from an AR environment to a VR/WebXR environment. But for now, since it’s only a prototype and I lack quite a lot, if not all the knowledge, of creating this, we opted for a clicking mechanism which also gets the point across.

I learnt so much from observing Lea’s teaching. It was lovely because I could ask her questions and via observing, listening and then trying myself, I actually feel like I’ve gotten a slightly better understanding of how our code works. Still so so so much to discover though, but quite exciting!

Tomorrow will be a finetune day + presentation creation day. On my developer end I want to add a constant background sound + position around 10 vulva’s in the space and then connect them to a specific sound that relates to the script of the play.

