The Dark Horse Asset Class Powering Crypto

Stablecoins are the most important asset in crypto.

Millan Singh
Digital Native Citizen


As we’ve seen Bitcoin’s price go from a fraction of a cent to over $65,000, people have lost sight of the fact that Bitcoin was originally designed to be a digital currency.

The title of the original Bitcoin Whitepaper: “Bitcoin: A Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash System

But Bitcoin’s hard supply cap and, by extension, hyper-deflationary nature, have made it a decent speculative asset (with price increasing as more and more people buy into Bitcoin) but a terrible currency. That’s where stablecoins come in.

Stablecoins are the future of crypto

There’s a reason people around the world like to transact in USD, EUR, and other fairly stable fiat currencies. Stable currencies allow for the execution of long-term financial obligations where everyone involved can rest easy knowing that the currency they’re trading with is going to maintain a relatively similar value over the course of their agreement with each other.

And if you think about it, almost every significant transaction in your life is a long-term transaction: from your day job to your taxes to your rent and utilities to your car payment to any form of insurance, etc, etc, etc. This…



Millan Singh
Digital Native Citizen

Professional Tinkerer, Creative Entrepreneur, and practitioner of A Hero’s Journey. Follow me for tech, crypto, finance, and personal development.