08 Ways To Drive Traffic To Your Online Store

How To Run A Successful Online Store

Sam Evans
Digital Ninja
12 min readNov 28, 2020


How To Drive Traffic To Your Online Store
eCommerce Stores

If you are here then you are already running an online (e-commerce) store like Shopify, Woo Commerce, Oberlo, Big Commerce etc. And facing, difficulty in driving traffic to your online store. Well, you have come to the right place…here we will advise you some of the simple yet proven methods of — “how to promote your online store”. Running your own online store successfully is a hard nut to crack. There is a lot of competition and users are becoming fussier day by day. There are various factors which are critical for the success of your online (e-commerce) store. In order to provide visitors with an excellent user experience, it is of paramount importance to create an engaging platform. If order to expand and grow your online business, your marketing and advertising strategies need to be redrafted nearly every year due to the volatile nature of the business, and the macro factors influencing the environment. Before diving in let’s take a look at the global insights of eCommerce platforms available in the market.

Global Ecommerce Market Share (Sep 2020)
Source: Datanyze and Alexa (Top 1M Sites)

So now, here we are providing you with a checklist, which includes some of the most important & basic factors an eCommerce marketer should definitely follow for promotion & in order drive traffic to his/her online store:

Importance of Logo

Focus On Creating a “Brand” (Not Just a Store). Successful online business and entrepreneurs understand the importance of logo designs for an online business due to their vast experience. A custom logo design is essential for your business. It could be a one man show, a small or big business. You can be selling a product, providing service and belong to any industry. The first and most important advantage of having a custom logo design are its marketing benefits. They assist you in your marketing activities and you will not even notice it. Once the customers or clients pick up the logo, in the future they will recognize your online business by the logo you have. Logos are symbols, images or patterns. Our mind can register these faster than words and sentences. When you look at the logo, you know what product it is. This way they bridge the gap between the business and final customer. They will sell your product or service, even if you are not there. Your logo should be present everywhere in the business, on the website, on brochures and in all advertising media. You must aim to create awareness of your product using the logo. As the logo is not words, it’s very powerful and can communicate more than mere words. Quality graphic professionals can do a great job with your logo. After all it’s a long term investment on your business and it will pay off. Look at it in any way, a custom logo design is essential for your business in more than one way. They bring sales, help you stay in business and get more clients. If you haven’t created a logo yet…I strongly suggest getting one immediately.

Fiverr Review — Online Logo Maker (Fiverr.com)
Online Logo Maker (Fiverr.com)

Product Description

Product page description is a type of marketing copy which should reflect your brand’s tone of voice. It describes what a product is and why it’s worth buying it. Product details pages can include product features and benefits of the product you’re selling. Some product descriptions also contain information on product options such as different shapes, sizes, and specifications, to help potential buyers make the right choice. Good product descriptions are often accompanied by a gallery of product photos highlighting the list of features described in the product description. Great product descriptions are important for an eCommerce site because they help people decide whether or not to buy your product, and which product options to choose. A product page description substitutes for seeing and touching an item. The more descriptive your copy is, the more helpful it is to potential buyers. Product descriptions are also important for SEO, as the content can be indexed by search engines. This makes it easier for more people to find your products when they type in certain keyword phrases. An SEO-friendly product page description should include the key phrase that describes your product in the title or headline and a few times in the content. Include related phrases (semantic keywords) in the copy, too. This makes it easier for search engines to index your product description, and helps more people find your product. But it’s not just about keywords. SEO-friendly product descriptions are informative, describing the product, highlighting with bullet points its features and benefits, and telling them how to use it.

Fiverr Review — Perfect Example Of Product Description
Perfect Example Of Product Description

Content is the King

Website content is important because it helps you attract potential customers to your web pages via search engine optimization (SEO). Once they land on your site, the content helps people decide whether to sign up for more information and become leads. If you have products for sale, the content helps them make buying decisions, too. Website content is also a crucial component in building an online presence for your business. Quality content is web content that’s created specifically to meet your business goals. You will often need several different types of content to meet different needs and address different customer personas. One of the key ways to create high-quality content is to use search engine optimization (SEO) as you draft the content. This includes having a keyword strategy, and including keyword phrases in headlines and titles, product descriptions, copy and more. Outstanding website content also includes relevant, high-quality images. Without excellent content, your site won’t appear in the top search engine results. That’ll make it harder for visitors and potential customers to find your site when they search. Good content is optimized both for search engines and human beings. When you use the right keyword phrases in the right place, your content will appear in the searches it’s most relevant to.

Fiverr Review — A Good SEO Content For About Us Page
A Good SEO Content For About Us Page

E-Commerce Marketing

E commerce marketing is using promotional techniques to raise awareness of an online store’s products or services to increase conversions and make more eCommerce sales. Some of the online marketing tactics used by online businesses include search engine optimization (SEO), search engine marketing (SEM), pay per click (PPC) advertising, content marketing, and email marketing. Most eCommerce marketing strategies include a mix of these tactics to help turn searchers into visitors, visitors into leads, leads into sales, and customers into repeat customers. Without a plan, your eCommerce marketing strategy will be unfocused, and likely unsuccessful. To get started, think about your target audience and the best content, locations and timing to reach them. Then decide on the ideal mix of tactics like content marketing, social media marketing, paid search, and email marketing. It can be helpful to hire an eCommerce marketing expert to research and outline a strategy for you to follow so you make more e-commerce sales.

Fiverr Review — Connecting Facebook Marketing With Shopify Store
Connecting Facebook Marketing With Shopify Store
Fiverr Review — Promoting Your Store on Pinterest
Promoting Your Store on Pinterest

Search Engine Marketing

SEM used to include search engine optimization (SEO), which boosts organic traffic via content optimization. However, these days, SEM usually focuses on marketing with paid ads such as Google adwords, Bing ads or social media advertising. By purchasing search engine marketing services, business owners increase relevant traffic to their website via a landing page. Over time, this results in more leads and sales, helping businesses to be more successful. SEO and SEM are complementary because they share the goal of getting more traffic to your website. For SEO, you optimize your web pages and content around phrases (called keywords) that you think your target audience will search for. If you create quality content, and get this right, then you will attract traffic you don’t have to pay for. But you can also use paid search ads to get traffic from people searching for other relevant phrases. That’s where the foundation of any successful SEM campaign is keyword research. SEM includes pay per click (PPC) ads that appear on search results pages. There are several reasons why marketing campaigns don’t get the results you expect. Some of these are technical, like getting the targeting, location, or bids wrong for PPC. There may also be issues with billing and scheduling that prevent your ads from running. And sometimes there are issues with keyword and audience selection. Getting SEM right can be tricky, so consider hiring an AdWords or PPC expert to help you set up and launch your first SEM campaign.

Fiverr Review — Optimizing Google PPC Campaign
Optimizing Google PPC Campaign

Power of Video Ads

According to recent findings it was revealed that eCommerce marketers who use videos for marketing enjoy better sales for products promoted with videos. Short Video Ads are usually between 1 to 60 seconds, with the majority of them being 30 seconds or less. The shorter the better, as attention is at a premium on every platform. You want the video to follow the same lines as your text. Let it be concise, to the point, and call attention to the features of your product that will be of most interest to prospective clients. Video ads can boost your business. If your marketing video goes viral, it will generate massive amount of traffic to your website and top ranking in search engines in about 48 hours. It is the hottest technique by which you can promote your product and service to the whole world. Social networks are the best place to consider for posting your short video ads. Also, creating videos is becoming easier for marketers, since getting access to Adobe creative suite is available to marketers. This provides them with easy access to all the audio and video editing tools. If all this sounds complicated, one can always hire an expert who can make engaging product videos.

Dropshipping Facebook Video Ad

Email Marketing

Email marketing is one of the most cost and time effective ways of introducing your products and services. This is the best way to get the highest ROI for your business with an average of $40 earned for every dollar spent. If you don’t have an email list, grow one. One way to get people to sign up for your emails is by adding a light-box to your site that promises a discount on their next purchase if they provide their email address. You can also add the sign up form in your site’s footer so shoppers can opt in to learn about your store’s updates and promotions. Once the list is ready, create a campaign and send promotional emails…this will build loyalty and keep customers coming back for more. You’re letting your “best customers” in on something special before anyone else. It’s an opportunity for a repeat sale, wrapped in a discount for customers. Everybody wins. With this you can also send abandoned cart emails…it’s very frustrating when a shopper put something to purchase in the cart & vanishes without a trace. But with abandonment emails you can recover those…almost 30% of abandoned carts are recovered due to this strategy. Tools like Get Response helps you to automate your abandonment email campaigns and start capturing lost revenue. However, all this won’t work without proper & punchy; subject line, email body content, email template & CTA. Invest time & think about your target audience before sending out emails…if required take professional help. Shopify provides its own email marketing services & other stores are integrated with mailchip, aweber etc. Although Klaviyo is emerging to be best email marketing software for eCommerce & is being used by many experts. It has integration with Shopify, Big Commerce, Woo Commerce, Magneto and Cloud Commerce.

Fiverr Review — Email Marketing Templates
Email Marketing Templates

Web App

Smartphone is the device that consumers use the most when shopping online: 64% of retail website traffic comes from the mobile device. Web apps are basically interactive websites that look and feels like mobile apps, but they are not mobile apps. Hybrid apps are a combination of the two. Like native apps, they can be downloaded from an app store, but, like a web app, they can be used on multiple platforms. Mobile web apps have become the perfect direct channel to customers. It is critical for today’s marketers to learn and take advantage of the many uses of mobile applications which will benefit their businesses. The biggest advantage of mobile web apps is the fact that it has a real-time and precise connection to consumers. With mobile web apps, businesses can get immediate access to their market as well as gain valuable insight. Most importantly, a mobile web app must be relevant to the brand or aligned with its values for it to have a real impact on a business. The consumer has to make the connection between the brand and the experience of using the app. The intention is not only to reach customers but also to build the brand. There are several easy-to-use app building platforms for people who don’t know how to code. But these DIY app builders have limited functionality, so you can’t use them to build more complex apps. If you want to create a unique app with more functions and you don’t know how to code, it’s best to hire an app developer to implement your idea for you.

Fiverr Review — Convert Your Website Into App
Convert Your Website Into App

If you perfectly follow the above promotion methods then my friend no one can stop you from boosting your sales. You will finally get the result that you have been struggling for.


As you can see I have emphasis on hiring a professional or an expert to do your things because that is the most convenient way to do so. Instead of you doing the work and hoping to get it right you can easily hire an expert & let them do for you…this is how most of the people are running a successful online store. Let’s be honest the expert has already the experience & knowledge of doing the job so why not hire them. This will save enough of your time & cost that you will be wasting on trying to do the things your way. I am not telling not to do anything on your own but I have personally tried & seen the result which you get from hiring an expert is far better. The best place where you can get professionals is Fiverr — you can get the job done at a minimum cost as $5 — $20.

Registering for Fiver is free and fast. They are integrated with PayPal, simple to navigate, and best of all, have an incredible variety of people willing to do a wide variety of things for $5. The best part of Fiverr is that it is fun. Their web site is simple to navigate, they make it easy to order, and no site is more interesting to search to see what people will do just for $5. The most surprising part of Fiverr is the quality of the people that do the gigs for such a less amount. Fiverr has a rating system where you can read comments and reviews about previous “gigs” someone has completed. Right from logo making to web apps you can hire them for everything. Hell, there are even guys who will build you a Shopify or Woo-commerce online store with a winning product!!!

For your ease I am putting the links of each of the services mentioned above with the best sellers available so you don’t have to search for it. Just click, register & order as per your requirement:


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Sam Evans
Digital Ninja

Digital Marketer | SEO Strategist | Content Creator