10 Secrets To Write SEO Friendly Content

What is SEO and How It Works

Sam Evans
Digital Ninja
9 min readNov 27, 2020


What Is SEO
How To Write SEO Friendly Content

What is SEO?

First just let’s go to the basic, SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization and is the process of optimizing your website to get organic, unpaid, traffic from the search engine results page. If you own a website or a business that operates online you’re now probably taking SEO seriously or are at least ready to learn how SEO works and how you can apply basic SEO principles to your website. SEO is the practice of optimizing your website and web pages to climb higher in Search Engine Results Pages (SERPs). The aim is to, not only increase traffic in quantity, but also in quality. Ranking high in the SERPs enables business and brands to draw targeted traffic with a vested interest in their products and services. More targeted traffic means higher Click-Through Rates (CTRs). The increased exposure means you’ll get more attention from prospective customers. You can even drive customers straight to specific pages on your website by offering detailed answers to the questions they are searching. Applying basic SEO principles will allow you to drive targeted invited search traffic to; your homepage, product page or blog.

How Does It Works?

In order to understand how does it work, it’s better you hear from the expert itself. Code.org does an excellent job of explaining how search engines work. It’s explained by senior figures in Google and Bing yet avoids getting overly technical.

How SEO Works Explained By The Experts

Why Is It Important To Rank First?

Good SEO content for your website will earn you more shares, earn back links for your page and earn the trust of your visitors. We are in an age where capturing a reader’s attention is challenging. People are spending fewer seconds on pages than they did before. The average time the internet user spends reading the content is not more than 20 seconds. You need to attract the reader to your website in such a short span of time, thus make the content accordingly. To beat this, one must give visitors good content that can be optimized for the web and hold a reader’s attention.

How To Rank In Google Using SEO
How To Rank In Google Using SEO

Web content writing is an important skill. When writing blog posts or content for your website, SEO optimization is just as important as content quality. Both count! The quality of your web content is critical to the success of your website or blog. Many websites contain little other than graphics or photos and wonder why they never get a high ranking on Google — and let’s face it Google is the place to be! Bing is not bad but neither Bing nor Yahoo is in the same level as Google. If you want to make it online, you must have at least a Page #2 ranking on Google — within the first 20 top ranked web pages.

Search Engines Market Share In 2020
Here Take A Look At Search Engines Market Share In 2020

Now let’s take a detour for a moment in the jungle of web content to discuss how SEO can make or break good content writing services, and look at 10 secrets any content writer can’t do without:

Great Title:

I feel like a broken record every time I write this sentence, but the value of a good title just can’t be overstated. Keep your title brief & catchy for a good fit for social media shares. Remember that search engines only index the first 50 characters, so craft your headlines accordingly with important keywords. Finally, use some of the proven methods of effective title writing to ensure some visits, for instance:

  • Include numerals or statistics: “7 Hairstyles to Reinvent Your Look”
  • Include exclusivity words such as “secret” or “hacks”
  • Offer the quick fix: “3 Ways to Get Rid of Dark Spots Instantly”
  • Imply an existing consensus: “Who Wants to Lose 20 Pounds This Month?”

Also don’t forget to tag your subtitles appropriately. For example, H1 will be used for the main title while H2 & H3 tags will be used for the next sub-titles. This will also create a good impression for readers that your content is structured correctly.

Meta Title & Meta Description:

Both Meta title & description are specifically for the search engines. It is how search engines shows your post in search results. If you do not specify both of these in your SEO settings your post title & first few lines of your post will be set as default. But I strongly suggest you to change it & with important keywords. The Meta description provides you with 156 characters to add keywords that make your description attractive enough for viewers. It is like a sales pitch of what your readers can expect from your post & will help you score high in search engine optimization.

Image Attribute:

Images are also important for SEO. Adding photos that are relevant to your content will surely pique the interest of your readers. Add an image that will tell your readers what to expect from your post. However do remember that Google is image blind…it can’t read images, the text is how Google recognizes images. It is important to use proper image names to ensure that search engines can understand what an image is about. When naming an image, don’t forget to keep the image name and alt (alternate text) attribute name relevant to the image itself. This way when people will make an image search they might end up landing on an image in one of your blog.

Key Phrases & Not Key Words:

Writing for keywords is a standard practice of content writing, but not many people know the secret of writing for keyword density: focus on key phrases rather than just keywords. To use the example of a hair salon, one could produce content simply for keywords like “highlights” and “salon,” but you’ll probably fare better if you write around key phrases like “Which salon does the best hair highlights?” Content writing done this way taps directly into the mind of the consumer doing a web search, and ensures that if someone does want to know which salon does the best highlights, the answer is you.

Interlinks & Permalinks:

It’s very important to include internal links in your content when publishing. If you are wondering what internal linking is, this is a technique where you cross reference other pages on your website (link back to old blogs). The links have two functions: they encourage users to read deeper on your website and at the same time they reduce the bounce rate increasing your ranking.

Permalinks are the permanent static hyperlink to a particular page or a blog. While writing the best habit is to remove the “stop words” from the page’s permalink. If you don’t remove these stop words your page tile will be set as default permalink. For instance, if the title of your post is “How to write a rich SEO content”, your default permalink will be domain.com/how-to-write-a-rich-seo-content/ In this case, words like “to” and “a” will be considered as stop words. You have an option to edit the permalink and modify it such that it becomes domain.com/how-write-rich-seo-content/, hence eliminating the unnecessary stop words. But remember once the post is published; never ever change your post’s permalink.


If most of your business comes from your immediate area, it’s usually a good practice to include geo-targeted keywords in the key phrases you write content around. For example: “plumber” may snag some web searches which are irrelevant to your business, but “plumber in Boston” will naturally attract more local traffic.

Content Matters:

Content writing isn’t just about filling your blog with words that are going to act like magnets to web traffic. While it would be simple to fill pages with keyword-rich copy, readers who arrive to find a page that isn’t relevant to what they were searching for are not going to stay. When you engage in content writing, make sure that you’re writing content that is relevant to what you do, informative to your readers, and makes them want to stick around to learn more about you and what you do.

Ideal Length:

There’s no easy answer to the ideal length of a post when you’re doing content writing, but it’s worth to note that most of the results ranking on the first page of Google for any given keyword are around 2,000 words on average. With a section on your website devoted to content writing service such as a blog, this is easy to fill. In general, never write fewer than 400 words for any single blog post, and never more than 1000. These benchmarks make for posts that are long enough to be informative and contain an appropriate keyword density without being overkill.

Don’t Write for Machines:

Although, it might sound silly, search engines care more about the satisfaction of the users and searchers; therefore, if you write for machines, your content may not be ranked high. To be on the safe side you should ensure that your content is exciting and draws repeat readers. This means that the content should be readable and have a low bounce rate. And if you know that you’re writing for a specific list of keywords such as “donuts, bagels, pastries, and pies,” don’t stack those keywords in a list like this every time you use them. They will be more effective spread out naturally among your writing, and less awkward for your readers, too.

Be Original:

It should go without saying that your content writing should be original and unique to your website. Plagiarism is stealing, and it’s something that we web content writers take very seriously. Moreover, it’s worthwhile that you avoid using duplicate content on your own website. In other words, don’t re-post an article from your blog to another page on your website. Search engines that see duplicate content on two separate pages of a site see that as an attempt at keyword spam, and will bury your pages deep in the search results.

Conclusion — Content Is The King


I hope that this post has brought you a better understanding of content writing for SEO, and that it will help you moving forward whether you’re creating your own content or choosing a content writing service. However, if you are in need of professional help & need to hire an expert for your content…I strongly suggest you to use FATJOE, they create rich, compelling, and informative content as well as ensuring that it will outperform the average post in search results that are relevant to you and what you do. They also have good reviews on shopperapproved.

Fatjoe Reviews on Shopperapproved.com
Fatjoe Reviews on Shopperapproved.com

Here, are couples of example of their quick quality content written by their very own remarkable writers used by SEO’s, Agencies and Brands:

Fatjoe Review — Basic Content Writing
Fatjoe — Basic Content Writing
Fatjoe Review — Pro Content Writing
Fatjoe — Pro Content Writing

Along content writing they also cater to a lot of SEO services like Info-graphic design, Product Description (for eCommerce store), Converting your Blog to Video (for reaching video platforms like YouTube & Social Media) & tons of services under Link Building which will all help you to boost your online business. I have personally used them so I can guarantee on their services.

Fatjoe Review — 9 Reasons Why Over 5000 Agencies Use Fatjoe Every day
9 Reasons Why Over 5000 Agencies Use Fatjoe Every day
Fatjoe Representative Explaining The Process

If you would like to check-out their services, just click on the below link and register yourself (it’s free). Go through the various SEO services offered by them & order as per your requirement (very economical):


If you like the above article, kindly check out my other article as below:



Sam Evans
Digital Ninja

Digital Marketer | SEO Strategist | Content Creator