People behind Coliving Club: Alexandra Ivanskaya

Daria Chuiko
Digital Nomad Magazine
4 min readOct 2, 2017

What will travel accommodation be like in the future? We know already and form a community to create it. We focus on sharing space, resources, thoughts and dreams with like-minded people and becoming a better version of ourselves while being a part of something bigger. We call it the Coliving Club.

Here you will read about our real experience and connect with our team to explore the Coliving Club to the fullest. Take a closer look at each one of us in a series of interviews.

Meet Alexandra Ivanskaya — Social Media & Content Manager

Alexandra is 27 years old Instagram guru, ideas generator and a happy mother. She has been in the social media space for 3 years.

Alex( may I call you like this?)


Where do you get your inspiration from ?

From my family! Absolutely! My 3 years old son motivates me to do a lot of things! This is my incentive to be stronger every day and not to be afraid to move forward, so that he could be proud of his parents.I like to share knowledge and experience with our child. It’s so interesting to talk to him, treat him like an adult in his early years.

Wow, this is very cute. By the way, what were your dreams in childhood and how did they adjust later? Have they come true?

Well, I always dreamed to visit the Disneyland, and I haven’t done this yet. But my son wants to go so the motivation doubled.

What can you say about digital nomad lifestyle?

This kind of lifestyle inspires me! You’re free! You don’t have to stay at the office from 9 to 6, but you live where you want and work when you want. My husband and I just moved from Ukraine to the green, highly spiritual Georgia and gave our son fresh air, the sea and extraordinarily friendly surrounding.

How did you earn your first money?

You’re of no interest to the employer when you are a student with no experience. So making your first money is not easy but is always very pleasant. My first time was about standing out in the street in the autumn rain, talking to people about politics and giving away the newspapers. I earned some money, most of which I spent on my coffee. But what’s more important that little job gave me an impulse to move forward.

How did you start working as social media expert?

I used to work in different directions, it’s like an oxygen to me. I can write a diploma within a night, draw many pics or create something quite fast. When Instagram became popular, I managed to find out more than a regular user knows. It was exciting to learn something new and improve my skills otherwise I would have to stay behind.

I guess your favorite network is Instagram? Why?

I started using Instagram for its filters. But over the past 6 years, I’ve been able to see all kinds of changes and innovations that have emerged within the app. It has become a serious content marketing platform, networking and audience building tool for individuals and brands. I like using Instagram in increasingly imaginative and original ways. It is both my favorite tool and the source of inspiration.

Tell us about some brands you admire. What makes them stand out?

Yes, of course, for me it’s Gary Vaynerchuk. He created himself as a brand. His thoughts, his ideas inspire me. I like the way he works.

What’s the most difficult thing that you ever pulled off professionally ?

The most difficult thing is to organize workspace in the conditions of “Mom, Mom, play with me, now you’re a superhero!” or “urgently need to build a house”. That’s why we need the coworking zone!))

If you decided to write a book what it would be about?

My book would be called “How to make everything on Earth in 24 hours” …haha..

I think I know what super power you’d like to have :) Flash’s speed??

Definitely! But I already have one — Super Mom, which is sort of the same:)

Thank you so much for taking some time to read this story!😘

Daria Chuiko — writer, journalist,ideas generator of a Digital Nomad Magazine.
Digital Nomad Magazine is a
Coliving Club project with an aim to bring fresh and interesting stories to the #travelers #doers #hustlers #founders #destinycrafters

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Daria Chuiko
Digital Nomad Magazine

Writer, journalist of a Digital Nomad Magazine. Write about blockchain, travel, startups, Digital nomad lifestyle. In Collaboration with @ColivingClub.