People behind Coliving Club: Maxim Shevchenko

Daria Chuiko
Digital Nomad Magazine
5 min readSep 26, 2017

What will travel accommodation be like in the future? We know already and form a community to create it. We focus on sharing space and living together, moments, resources, thoughts and dreams with like-minded people and becoming a better version of ourselves while being a part of something bigger. We call it the Coliving Club.

Here you will read about our real experience and connect with our team to explore the Coliving Club to the fullest. Take a closer look at each one of us in a series of interviews.

Meet Maxim Schewtschenko — Co-founder | CMO

Max is a 23 year old VR enthusiast, music and video producer. He shared about motivation, favorite cities and his super-cinematic dream.

Max, why were you interested in creating Coliving Club?

I worked on the project of Coliving Club 1.0 from the very beginning and I like insanely what it has become now. One day I and Kirill( he is my best friend, by the way) were just thinking about what new we can give to this world. We thought about something unique and special, that could help a lot of people become independent, improve their skills and communicate to more same-minded ones.

Isn’t it hard to work with your best friend?

Our friendship started from work. And he is the best person for me to work with. Do we quarrel? Of course, we do. But it never gets personal. We both have the same view on the workflow. And the most important thing in business for us is productivity. We are fans of it. Look at my tattoo!

What is your personal connection to digital nomad lifestyle?

I fell in love with DN lifestyle about 4 years ago. I was filming in Paris with Kirill and we realized that work can be movable. So we decided to move to Berlin. At that time we were working on an e-learning startup. One day we got up and knew that we should try it in the “Startup Kingdom”. Silicon Valley, I mean. Unfortunately I got the visa refusal but Kirill went to California and that’s how it all started. As I came back to Ukraine I realized that education gave me nothing and it was just a waste of time. So I quit my university and devoted myself to work and business.

You must’ve got some criticism for that. How do you react?

I actually like criticism, but reasoned. It helps me move forward and become better.

I think it’s a good lesson for everyone to view criticism like this.

What is your motivation apart from critics and what is the best way to motivate others?

That’s easy. If you want to motivate someone just show him how motivated you are. Motivation is catchy. Trust me!

Do you remember how you earned your first money?

That was 2008 and I was 14 years old. Apple just started selling their new iPhones Original. In Ukraine there were a few places where you could buy it and also the iPhone cases. My father gave some money, I bought 10 silicon cases pack for $2.5 on eBay, and in Ukraine I was selling them for $5 per piece. 200% is not that bad of a profit, I guess :)

What would be your dream car?

From my childhood I like old American muscle cars. The sound of those motors makes me tremble up to now. So I think about a Chevrolet Impala 1967. You know what I mean ;)

Which cities are on your list for living in the next 5 years?

The number-one city in my life is Berlin. I’d spend as much time as possible there. Also I would like to come to Rome one more time. Its history is amazing, you can live there for years and learn more and more. Also I would travel to Asia and visit such cities as Kathmandu, New Deli, Beijing. I’m in love with Asian culture. My first tattoo was OM sign, the second was Buddha.

How do you spend your free time?

Almost all my free time I spend walking or jogging. Also I love listening to the music and playing different musical instruments. My main hobby is collecting different skills. So I learned to play the guitar, piano, double bass, harmonic, accordion, ukulele, banjo, percussion, drums and a bit of violin.

Now I’m still practicing in violin and started trumpet. I had only one music teacher who taught me the guitar. All other instruments I started to play by myself just looking for information in the internet and trying to copy musicians.

What are your three most important life rules?

  • Music is our everything.
  • Do more.
  • $20 000 on black.

$20 000 on black?

A few years ago I promised Kirill that one day we will go to Las Vegas, take a room in Bellagio, buy super expensive suits and a car, enter a casino as kings and I will bet $20 000 on black. And after that bet we’ll just leave the building and it wouldn’t matter if I win or lose. The thing is in the moment that we’re living.

I should join you at that moment and make photo of your emotions to put into this interview..Yeaaah!!! Hope you’ll win...or…

Thank you so much for taking some time to read this story!

Digital Nomad Magazine is a Coliving Club project with an aim to bring fresh and interesting stories to the #travelers #doers #hustlers #founders #destinycrafters

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Check next Coliving Club Team’s stories!



Daria Chuiko
Digital Nomad Magazine

Writer, journalist of a Digital Nomad Magazine. Write about blockchain, travel, startups, Digital nomad lifestyle. In Collaboration with @ColivingClub.