Tech education platform by Steve Wozniak

Daria Chuiko
Digital Nomad Magazine
3 min readOct 17, 2017

Meet Woz U

Steve Wozniak has announced the launch of a new online tech education platform 13th of October.

Our goal is to educate and train people in employable digital skills without putting them into years of debt. People often are afraid to choose a technology-based career because they think they can’t do it. I know they can, and I want to show them how. My entire life I have worked to build, develop and create a better world through technology and I have always respected education. Now is the time for Woz U, and we are only getting started.

The platform will train software developers and computer support specialists; data science, cybersecurity, and mobile application programs will be introduced soon. Furthermore, Woz U will also provide school districts with K-12 STEAM programs, exposing digital engineering concepts to students at a younger age.

There are no pricing details on any of the existing or planned features. There is, however, already a mobile app out with some introductory courses, and you can also “enroll” in Woz U starting today, though it’s unclear what exactly that entails beyond submitting a few bits of personal contact information.

The whole enterprise seems polished enough, although it should be noted though that Woz U’s initial partner is the for-profit Southern Careers Institute, based out of Austin, Texas. So don’t expect everything in Woz U to be free.


Students have 24/7 access to online programs with live access to instructors and mentors, high-quality video-based curriculum, and comprehensive career services. Our online program offers flexibility for those currently working full-time, traveling or simply in need of a more adaptive approach to learning.

Woz U Online currently offers the following programs:

  • Full-Stack Software Developer — .Net, JavaScript, Ruby, and Java.
  • Computer Support Specialist
  • Data Science (coming 2018)
  • Mobile Application (coming 2018)
  • Cyber Security (coming 2018)


  • Practical skills and work habits to start a successful career in the high-tech.
  • Comprehensive career services including building a resume, interview training, and help identifying relevant positions in related fields.
  • Access to create a virtual profile on our exclusive digital employment networking platform, Woz U Connect.

In 2019, Woz U plans a 12-to-16 month-long accelerator program that is intended help school leaders spot the institute’s best students and place them in leading technology companies. These chosen students will also “learn how to finance and capital raise for start-ups,” according to the website.

If Steve Wozniak truly has an institutional method for helping more people learn new tech skills without going into massive debt, it could be even more important than that other little thing he did: inventing personal computers.

Thank you so much for taking some time to read this story!

Daria Chuiko — writer, journalist,ideas generator of a Digital Nomad Magazine.
Digital Nomad Magazine is a
Coliving Club project with an aim to bring fresh and interesting stories to the #travelers #doers #hustlers #founders #destinycrafters

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Daria Chuiko
Digital Nomad Magazine

Writer, journalist of a Digital Nomad Magazine. Write about blockchain, travel, startups, Digital nomad lifestyle. In Collaboration with @ColivingClub.