Why Coliving on Blockchain?

Coliving Club
Digital Nomad Magazine
3 min readOct 8, 2017

Where do you see yourself 10 years from now?

It’s October 7th, we’re coming close to the D Day😄, the beginning of the pre-sale of Dinom tokens to the public.✊

💁At the same time the Coliving Club team is already starting to get asked by the potential investors, mentors and people from the rows about☝️ why do we have to run the Coliving Club Network on tokens? 🤷‍♀️

“Why don’t you just accept Bitcoin or Ethereum if you like it so much?”😒

🤓In this article we’d like to answer this question to avoid any possible confusion.👍

You see, Coliving Club in 2027 is a fully automated network of coliving/coworking hubs spread across the glob. It self-executes by a decentralized AI-manager that is in charge of running the business instead of the human brains behind it.

This AI is literally in every single device or chat-assistant that serves at every Coliving Club location. 😌

We need no hosts, because in 2027 each location of Coliving Club is a host by itself. Self-executing the business protocol.

How do you make a fully automated service business?😧

You make it run on smart-contracts. 😇

The population of non-humans on the internet is already outnumbering the human population.🤓 I’m talking about chat-bots, and smart lamps, and Alexa-enabled devices and Google Home and Pixel 2, etc. The very real things around us are the internet users.🙌

So to put them to work we just have to create clean and secure algorithms that would orchestrate their activity.👏 Let’s call it business programming. Placing business models on the code.😱

The devices we’re going to use to automate our business are forming a network in which they constantly exchange data🍎 and value💎 in order to execute the business algorithms.

So to secure this network 👾 and assure that the transactions between the machines🤖 are running smooth we would have to use smart contracts and heavy inscription to protect the data and the value. 💪

Now isn’t Ethereum was made exactly for that? 😌

Are you part of the bigger picture?

  • Self-driving cars that automatically paying your insurance and credit as you sleep by working at Uber
  • Decentralized P2P insurance
  • Automated living and working experience

You see👀, the new Metropolis update that is coming upon us all with the integration of the Zero Knowledge Proof is some serious sh*t that is going to change we (and machines) communicate in the electronic world. 💄👄💋

The drivers (or self-driving cars 🚘) will never need to reveal any personal data in order to prove the wreck to the computer behind the insurance.🤙

Zero Knowledge Proof concept will be the new way of building services and business models. 👨‍💻👩‍💻

Verification of the Coliving Club users will happen without exposing any personal details of the users. CRMs will be used not to upsell, but to improve comfort and be used by bots programmed to provide you with a maximum levels of customer experience. 🔥

So yeah…

We’re building the Coliving Club Network on blockchain because it’s the only way, futuristic enough to suit the needs of the scope of work that’s ahead of us.

See you in the future. 👋
(or at the Blockcon 2017, Santa Monica)




Coliving Club
Digital Nomad Magazine

🔥An emerging global network✊ of coliving/coworking hubs🙌 for the Digital Nomads ✈️👨‍💻👩‍💻🗺.