Why Saigon is the Best Place to Make Money Online

Jeremy Ginsburg
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Making enough $ online to support yourself is HARD. . . .

Want to make it easy? Focus less on WHAT you’re doing and more on WHERE.

I first came to Vietnam in the fall of 2013 to teach English.

A few months before I got there, my friend wrote this article about Saigon being the best place to bootstrap your start up.

Once I moved here, I met him and saw with my own eyes how true it really was.

After 4 months, I quit my teaching job to pursue entrepreneurship. I stopped drinking and going out, moved into a 220/mo apartment.

A few weeks later, I got my first paid gig ever ($300). He paid me, but the project was a failure.

The next month, I got another gig for $400 working with an internet entrepreneur in the area. “I like having friends that own businesses, it’s pretty easy to find work that way,” I thought.

I started playing guitar once a week for another $400/month. This kept my head above water while I could find some income online.

Two months later, I met another “digital nomad” passing through and got another gig from him, this time editing videos…

You get the point, if you want work, surrounding yourself around people that can hire you definitely helps. You can learn from these people too…. And Saigon is filled with them.

Not looking to freelance? You can live comfortable for $1,000 a month. Add a few massages and unlimited sushi nights each month and you’re looking at $1,200.

If you’re a native English speaker, you can teach English privately at about $20/hour.

Play guitar, sing or DJ? You can make $50 per gig.

No savings? Get a TEFL for $100 and Teach English here. You can work for 10 hours a week and break even. This will give you plenty of time to hustle on the side.

This city is filled with energy and cafés waiting for you to do hustle in.

The community of internet entrepreneurs here is small enough that everyone knows each other. The other night I was sitting between a 40 something-year-old who’s minimum project deal is more than I’ll make in the next two years and a 19-year-old who just graduated college and came to check out the scene. No judgments passed. Everyone is out here having fun and trying to build their online business.

Are you a guy wondering if you’ll be lonely? This city is filled with 3+ million girls ages 18–30.

Ladies? There’s “ladies night (free drinks)” EVERY SINGLE NIGHT OF THE WEEK.

It’s not the Vietnam your Uncle told you about when you were younger.

Read more here.

Need more evidence? Check out my music video. The Visa laws still are not strict and the food here is delicious.

2 years later, I’m now saving over $1,000/month. I’ve learned more skills just from hanging around the right people, and some of my friends are people 20 years older than me or make 6–7 figures a year.

Enough said.



Jeremy Ginsburg
This Publication is Moved

I’m a writer, entreperformer, language learner, culture chameleon, musician and videographer. http://www.jeremyginsburg.com/