Always remember “Who you are” — Bradley G Munkowitz

R: Can you introduce shortly yourself?

Riccardo Giorato
Nomad Interview


Gmunk: Hello I’m Bradley G. Munkowitz.

I’m a Director and Designer currently based in Hackney, London — I moved here from San Francisco about 18 months ago. I’ve been doing mostly Commercial and Music Video Direction for the past 4–5 years, prior to that I worked for the motion graphics industry for the last 10 years, freelancing and staffing as a Design Director for some of the top motion studios in the

My career started in Flash Animation and Design in the early 2000’s working with the freaks at Vir2L Studios both in Rockville Maryland and London, England. Some of my favorite projects through the career were definitely the Design Direction for the Holograms and Opening Titles for the Feature Film Tron Legacy, and also serving as the Design Director on the Projection Mapping film BOX, which blew up the Internets a few years ago — on both projects I learned more than all the others combined, just amazing experiences all around.

Tron Legacy

One of the proudest thing I directed were many parts of animation, titles and UI in Tron

