Being curious and then what?— Jean-Marc Denis

Riccardo Giorato
Nomad Interview
Published in
4 min readMar 22, 2017


Jean: My name is Jean-Marc, I am a design manager for Messenger at Facebook. Before that, I worked for “Sparrow,” a French startup which got acquired by Google in 2012.

I joined the Gmail team where I worked on Inbox by Gmail from the ground up as UX Mobile Lead.

After launching, I felt the need to challenge myself and curiosity by starting fresh again. I had the opportunity to join the Google Daydream Virtual Reality team where I helped to design some of the experiences.

R: Do you do some ritual every day outside of work?

Jean: Not really, I think I should, but I don’t.

R: What do you do that allows you to work efficiently alone or in your team, do you have any ritual or daily/weekly activity at work(Facebook)?

Jean: As lead/manager, my current role is a lot about the people I am working with. The only time I am working alone is when I come back home and design some 3D/AR/VR. I do not have any ritual or daily routine per-say.

R: How do you manage to do creative work every day any tips or technique?

