Giulio Michelon — C.E.O Belka interview

Riccardo Giorato
Nomad Interview
Published in
2 min readAug 27, 2016

This week I’m interviewing Giulio Michelon(Giulio Michelon) the CEO and Founder of Belka that is a “design and software development team specialized in custom solutions.”, they have been doing many cool projects such as a face swap for museum or developed a top rank app in the US apple store.

R: What do you do as a team that allows you to work well, you have any ritual or activity?

Giulio: In Belka each team member clearly understands his role and often works on a project that lasts a few months. This allows you to be independent and to have clear idea of what to do.

In addition to this we have a daily activity called “stand-up meetings” where we face on the work done since the previous stand-up, after that we plan the next day.

R: What advice would you give to yourself at the beginning of that path of work?

Giulio: To be resolute and quick with your choices and communication. Often the problems are neglected and when time passes they only become bigger.

R: What thought or tip would you give to yourself in the past?

Giulio: You shouldn’t think of being smarter or greater than others, you should read a lot and enjoy your university years because they are going to be very funny.

R: The last advice you have to learn and study new technology or subjects.

Giulio: A mistake that I often see in people in this area is to fossilize on technology, or on a working method.

I believe that learning is not something that is taught, but it’s something you have to feel inside.

Never stop this, continue reading, learning and understanding the world around us is important in the work, but also in your own life.

A book that I recommend to everyone is “ Antifragile “ of Nassib Taleb, which I think should not be missed in the shelf of any library. Or in the catalog of your kindle, or the one you use!

If you want to know more about Giulio visit

