Read everything you can — Timothy Buck

Riccardo Giorato
Nomad Interview
Published in
4 min readFeb 7, 2017


I’ve kindly stolen this small introduction from his website.. ; )

His name is Timothy Buck. He live in San Francisco, California with his wife, Alyssa. He’s a technical project manager at Ygrene Energy Fund and the co-founder of Nicer Studio, a small design and development firm.

He also write about technology and personal development on his personal blog.

R: Do you do some ritual every day outside of work?

Pretty much every day, I read/listen to books and go on walks with my wife.

R: What do you do that allows you to work efficiently alone or in your team at your studio, do you have any ritual or daily/weekly activity at work?

I follow the Getting Things Done methodology of organization. It can be a bit complicated to explain, but it’s how I keep track of my life. I use it to store any ideas I have; to keep my work, personal life and side projects organized; and to review all of that stuff on a regular basis.

R: How do you manage to do creative work every day any tips or technique?

