Stop decorations & Start understanding the real design — Victoire Douy

Riccardo Giorato
Nomad Interview
Published in
2 min readMay 10, 2017


Victoire: Hi! My name is Victoire Douy, I’m a French graphic design student (so excuse me if I might do some mistakes in english… ;) )

R: Do you do some ritual every day outside of work? Gaming?

Victoire: I like to see my friends and talking during hours… I’m not a big gaming fan. (but I use to be an huge fan of “The Sims” !!!!)

R: What do you do that allows you to work efficiently being able to create all your designs?

Victoire: Hum that’s depend on where I work. But in general if I want to be really efficient I need to ask a lot of questions and to be in a direct contact with the developers.

R: What thought or tip would you give to yourself in the past?

Victoire: To opt for more simple designs ! Stop making ‘decoration’ and try to understand what you are doing.

R: Any study tip for a high school, university student?

Victoire: Create things outside of a school purpose. Do your own things.

R: How do you design all your creation? What’s your design process?

Victoire: I like to sketch on my numerous notebooks. And then I try a lot. My files are a real mess because a try everything and iterate a lot.

R: How would you suggest anyone to start visual design or general design?

Victoire: Hum… It depends on what you want. But I first study print design and finally I’m an interactive designer, so whatever the road as long as the destination is worth for your experience.

R: Can you tell us a small story from an error that you made you understood something really important for your life?

Victoire: During a long period I used to have a very low vision of my work and I guess that has influenced in a bad way my choices. I’ve understand this, and now I try to be more demanding.

R: Would like to tell us something more?

Victoire: We are lucky enough to be designers, let’s not forget that!

If you enjoyed reading, please support my work by sharing this article with your friends and follow Victoire on Twitter or Dribbble!👍😃

