Your portfolio is the only thing that matters — Mike Weinhandl

R: Can you introduce shortly yourself?

Nomad Interview
Published in
2 min readMar 1, 2017


Mike: I’m a designer doing the whole “digital nomad” thing!

R: Do you do some ritual every day outside of work?

Mike: I spend some time reading every day.

R: What do you do that allows you to work efficiently being able to finish all your freelance works working remotly?

Mike: The first thing when working remotely is finding a good place (or places) to work — solid WiFi is annoyingly hard to find in some areas. The second thing is to implement a routine that I can stick to, making putting in time for work every day an automatic habit.

R: What thought or tip would you give to yourself in the past?

Mike: There’s never a perfect time to do something.

R: Any study tip for a high school, university student?

Mike: If you are going into design, you may not need to bother with university. While I learned a lot when I went, nowadays there are plenty of awesome online resources that won’t put you into huge amounts of debt. Your portfolio is what matters. Not your degree.

R: What would you focus(work,love,life)on now if you would go back to high school time?

Mike: I would start traveling way earlier, it’s the best way to learn about both the world and oneself.

R: Are you currenlty having freelancing as first source of income? How did you find most of your high paying clients?

Mike: Currently, yes. I worked as a designer in Minneapolis for 7 years before going freelance, and so far I’ve found most clients through existing contacts.

R: How would you suggest someone to start designing now?

Mike: Find designers you like, and study their work to learn from it. Rinse and repeat.

R: Did you travel to Malaysia recently right? Did you like it? What’s the most beautiful and interesting country that you have ever visit

Mike: English proficiency is high in Malaysia, so it was easy to get involved in the local creative scene. I spent 1 month in Kuala Lumpur and 3 months in Penang and loved it! My favorite country to visit is Japan — the culture and mixture of old and new is unlike anything else.

If you enjoyed reading, please support my work by sharing this article with your friends and also go and follow Mike on Instagram! 💚

