Social Media

Mastodon Rocks on the Desktop

Who says it’s not cool to be on a desktop anymore?

Troy Larson
Digital Nonsense Creator
2 min readMar 2, 2023


art by author

Medium recently started their own Mastodon instance, and I have been on the waiting list to join, which I did as soon as I got my invitation. For the uninitiated, Mastodon is decentralized social media software that is something of a mixture between Twitter and Discord, and an “instance” is the equivalent of a “server” on Discord, or a “forum” on a bulletin board.

Since Mastodon is merely software, each individual instance is owned independently. That means no ultrawealthy oligarch can buy the entire company to silence critics, like Elon Musk did with Twitter, and that’s a good thing.

I had no previous experience with Mastodon until Medium started their instance, and my exploration since I joined has been pleasantly surprising.

Mastodon rocks on the desktop

I know everybody is on mobile and nobody seems to get excited about anything desktop-related these days, but Mastodon’s Medium instance cooks on the PC. Consider this:

  • No algorithmic feed. Strictly chronological.
  • 500 character limit for posts.
  • Great image, video and audio upload options.



Troy Larson
Digital Nonsense Creator | Unagented Fiction Author | 3x Top Writer on Art, Rock Music, Photography. Digital Content Producer. Broadcast veteran.