Web3Assam and Colours of India Collaborate to Celebrate World NFT Day 2023

Blockofy by Web3Assam
4 min readSep 15, 2023
Web3Assam and Colours of India to Celebrate WORLD NFT DAY 2023

Guwahati, Assam 15/09/2023Web3Assam and Colours of India have announced their collaboration to celebrate WORLD NFT DAY 2023. This groundbreaking event will be hosted in the Gateway city of Northeast India — Guwahati and promises to be a day of enlightenment and exploration into the world of Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs).

September 20th is officially recognized as International NFT Day and is celebrated worldwide that brings together artists, creators, innovators, and enthusiasts to discuss, showcase, and celebrate the transformative power of NFTs. In partnership with Colours of India, Web3Assam has curated an agenda that promises to captivate attendees, whether they are beginners or seasoned NFT veterans.

“I’m delighted to see the enthusiasm for WORLD NFT DAY 2023! It’s a testament to the transformative power of web3 technologies and their growing influence across industries. At Digital Notice Media Labs, we believe in the potential of NFTs to reshape the future of digital art. Events like this inspire us to push the boundaries of creativity and innovation. I can’t wait to see the engagement of my fellow enthusiasts, share insights, and celebrate the limitless possibilities of NFTs on this remarkable day.”
Mohd Shoaib Ahmed, CEO, Digital Notice Media Labs

Agenda Highlights for WORLD NFT DAY

  • NFTs for Beginners Workshop: Tezos India Art and Culture (Afternoon)

The afternoon session will kickstart the event with an informative and interactive “NFTs for Beginners Workshop” on WORLD NFT DAY. Designed to introduce newcomers to the world of NFTs, this workshop will provide essential insights into the creation, purchase, and ownership of NFTs. Varun Desai, Head of Tezos India Art and Culture, instituted by Tezos India, one of the leading blockchain adoption entities in India, will take center stage, exploring its role in the art and cultural NFT space.

  • NFT Exhibition and Panel Discussion (Evening)

As the sun sets, the event will transition into an evening of inspiration and discourse on WORLD NFT DAY at Agora — the Space, a reknowned art gallery in Guwahati. Attendees will have the opportunity to explore a vibrant NFT Exhibition featuring breathtaking artworks and digital collectibles. Additionally, a distinguished panel of industry experts, influencers, and creators will engage in a thought-provoking discussion on the profound impact and limitless potential of NFTs.

“In the northeast, where community is the very tapestry of our existence, augmented by over 220 ethnic groups, Web3 technology has the potential to be a game-changer on an economic scale. Beyond serving as a hub of developer and entrepreneurial brilliance, this technology equips the region to transition from an exporter of extractive products like oil, tea, and coal to becoming a leading global exporter of Intellectual Property. Through Web3, we can build digital communities that not only transcend geographical boundaries but also open up novel avenues for mutual growth, financial empowerment, and most importantly, make us a focal point in the new economy of ideas and innovation.”
Dhrupad Das, Web3 Lawyer, PANDA Law

Join Us for WORLD NFT DAY 2023

Web3Assam and Colours of India is happy invite you all to be part of the celebration of WORLD NFT DAY 2023

Web3Assam and Colours of India is happy invite you all to be part of this historic celebration of WORLD NFT DAY 2023. Whether you’re a budding NFT enthusiast or a blockchain aficionado, this event promises something for everyone. It’s an opportunity to connect with like-minded individuals, explore the NFT ecosystem, and gain insights from some of the brightest minds in the field.

Event Details for WORLD NFT DAY:

Date: Wednesday, September 20, 2023
Time: Workshop (Afternoon) | Exhibition & Panel Discussion (Evening)
Location: Agora — The Space, Guwahati
Registration: https://lu.ma/NFT-Day-Ghy

Join us in ushering in a new era of digital ownership and creativity on WORLD NFT DAY. Stay tuned for more updates, exciting announcements, and exclusive content as we prepare to celebrate WORLD NFT DAY 2023 in style.

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For more information about Web3Assam, please visit:

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Media Contact:

Jesu Neelkamal Borah
Head of PR, CryptoNewsPoint

About Web3Assam:

Web3Assam is a web3 social community driven initiative dedicated to promoting the adoption and understanding of decentralized technologies and their potential to revolutionize various industries and sectors in Assam & NE region through an effective branding strategy. The community is open to anyone who is interested in learning more about web3 ecosystem.

About Colours of India:

COI is a Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAO), set up by a group of Indian NFT artists, for the benefit of Indian NFT artists, collectors and all members of the DAO. Their mission is to serve as a platform for Indian art through empowering Indian artists to enter the NFT space and by giving them a voice in the global art community and also to spread awareness about the decentralised creator economy and the NFT space in India.

